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A Franchised Dealer Perspective On The Car Market


Shop Foreman
Talking to my dealer friend yesterday. He was plugging in his demo Lightning F150 and I accused him of being a left wing greenie, we both laughed and he talked about the truck. He said Ford estimates 318 miles, he said it is closer to 250 and you better be getting a charge at 200. He definitely sees a drop in range in the cold. As for usage, it is not for a lot of everyday long distance use, for the short distance driver it is perfect. Also, if you are a jerky driver range drops.

He told me he is driving it because he wants to give his impression to his customers. He does not want any more electrics on his lot, they do not sell. His wife had a Mach E demo and told him no more, she is in a Bronco now. As a dealer he has that option but selling a truck to long term customers and them hating it will ruin a relationship. So I guess it comes down to if you want short drives, have a place to charge it and have another car for trips, an electric might be for you. But, he also said if you buy one you are a servant to the range and have to stop for longer than you may want to and even with a fast charger it will never charge to 100%.

What is his personal vehicle? A 2005 V-10 Excursion. I was dropping my 2005 Excursion off and he was saying to keep it going, there is nothing comparable unless you want to drop 85 Grand on an Expedition or Suburban. He sees the price of vehicles as ridiculous. He also sees the used market tanking, $75K trucks will drop to $45K, he sees it being bad but hopefully not as bad as 2008.

He did say that he sold a guy in California a Raptor F150 and got $30K over MSRP, it ships out this week. In CA anything listed as a gas guzzler cannot be sold new there so people reach out to surrounding states to purchase and dealers are getting $50K over MSRP. All of these trucks are snatched up so the guy reached out to his dealership in NC. He got $145,000 for the truck.
I saw just this week that the dealers how sued Ford for tying EV compliance to F-150 allocations won that suit, and so far, 400 dealers have opted out of Fords EV program. I expect there to be more, but ours will not be one of them as our owners are Mormons, consumed with white guilt. We have 3 Lightnings and TWENTY Mach E's on the lot right now...
I saw just this week that the dealers how sued Ford for tying EV compliance to F-150 allocations won that suit, and so far, 400 dealers have opted out of Fords EV program. I expect there to be more, but ours will not be one of them as our owners are Mormons, consumed with white guilt. We have 3 Lightnings and TWENTY Mach E's on the lot right now...
He told me that Ford wanted dealers to pay $1 million to carry EVs, he told them to buzz off as many other dealers in the area did too. He did buy the tools needed to work on them, expects total EV investment to be $35,000 when all is said and done.
"and dealers are getting $50K over MSRP." " He got $145,000 for the truck".

Wow, "A fool and his money are soon parted", "A sucker is born every minute".
Just think of the scratch built custom truck you could have made for this kind of money!
Isn’t there a place in IIRC Alabama selling brand new F150’s with 700hp for $45K ? I’d take one of those if I was in the market for a new truck and I’d be fine with 500hp for $35K 🙂
"and dealers are getting $50K over MSRP." " He got $145,000 for the truck".

Wow, "A fool and his money are soon parted", "A sucker is born every minute".
Just think of the scratch built custom truck you could have made for this kind of money!
I agree, the big 3 are all building insanely priced trucks, there are even Raptor Broncos for $100K, he has one knowing the right person will come along and buy it. He said the guy in CA was wealthy and didn't care about the cost just wanted the truck.

I remember working there and he had ordered one of these, it wasn't on the lot for a week and sold.
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