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$20K to Replace Hybrid Battery

Going to be much more common in the near future.
Not called "Stealerships" for nothing.
And with a lot of companies not having the dealer do the work means no future support, voided warranty.
Tesla in particular are notorious for their attitude unless the issue goes public.
Then there will be an NDA required to get them to do the right thing.
People will buy Cheaper batteries if available then when the car goes POOF the MFG’s will blame the Cheaper “Inferior” battery
My son's fiance had a ford fusion hybrid and was told the battery would cost $18k and she said that's what I paid for the car, so she traded it in for a Mazda CX5.
An official Toyota factory battery for my Rav4 is $2700.
Almost all batteries last over 250,000 miles.
I plan on keeping my Rav4 for 20 years so I should replace the battery in 9 to 10 years from today.

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I had an older '11 Fusion hybrid that needed a battery, it was $11K out the door. Car had over 300K on it. I never had a hybrid battery fail in the entire time I worked at Lexus.
I had an older '11 Fusion hybrid that needed a battery, it was $11K out the door. Car had over 300K on it. I never had a hybrid battery fail in the entire time I worked at Lexus.

I'm only repeating what I was told, but she bought the fusion used to begin with. I'm not sure if the year, but if I had to guess, it was around a '16 or '17 model year. If I recall it had over 100k when she got it.

Edit: this was the same Ford dealer that screwed my son over with his engine that seized after they replaced the timing belt.
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