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Experience with vacuum pumps for power brakes?


Veteran Member
My IR Weber system has no provision at all for vacuum.
But the El Camino still has power brakes.
I have a vacuum pump but have to wonder if it will be at all satisfactory?
I so also have a canister that goes with it.
Inglese made the proper manifold with an underside plenum, but production ceased in 2021.
Now prices are well and truly insane as the rich guys grab them up, writing blank checks.
It is possible to add vacuum to my manifold but not in a sanitary manner.
I guess to add a spacer with a vac port you'd need to put spacers on all carbs, do you have hood clearance to do that?
I had an issue with a Mercedes diesel I had where the vacuum pump was driven by a cam on the engine, and over time the cam wore and developed a flat spot (on the block side) and I refused to pay for the replacement cam (was a $2k part), so I removed the mating part of the bolt on diaphragm, removed the internal parts, bolted it back on and installed an external vacuum pump with canister and it worked great. Out of pocket cost was less than $200. Much better than spending $2k.
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