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Frozen Plumbing Pipes

It'd appear that way, but also seeing the 4" PVC drains dropping into a cast iron bell, it's abundantly clear a majority of the plumbing has been updated at some point.
They installed and relocated a new septic system before they bought the house this past summer/fall
He has an electric space heater in the pump house closet where the pump is located, wouldn’t that work the same as building a box around pump? It’s pretty sprawled out to build a box around

Having a space heater in there short term is fine, but they are going to need to wrap the pipes in the long term with heat tape (with automatic thermostat) as the space heater will cost a fortune to run. I'm betting it'll jack up the electric bill nothing less and $200 a month whereas the heater tape only typically uses about 100 watts vs 1,500 watts in the space heater.
They installed and relocated a new septic system before they bought the house this past summer/fall

No bearing. I still see cast iron (where the PVC drains are dumping into) and that's a clear indication the main drains in the ground were never changed. That was done to save money as excavating and repitching the 4" drains would have been very expensive (in the thousands).
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