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Carb cleaning to remove stains in castings.


Veteran Member
Basically none of the 'Net suggestions for home brew aluminum cleaners really work for castings that have water stain/black spots damage.
Vinegar is no better than plain water.
A nylon brush may remove dirt and soft crud but has No effect on stains.
Cream of Tartar & Vinegar paste is a waste, save it for baking.
A brass brush is somewhat effective but changes the appearance to a soft polish without actually removing any but the lightest stains.
So this set of Dellorto's will be getting soda blasted.
I've done this before and it really cleans the aluminum but Still will not remove heavy stains.
Glass Bead blasting will take out stains but is too aggressive at close range and disappointing from a distance.
I will probably end up painting the major pieces for the best finish as Vapor/Dry Ice blasting is just not available to me.
$200 in small parts ordered.
Most of them would not have been needed if some ham-fist fool had not messed with these in the past.
Screwdrivers are cheap, grind one to fit if needed.
No coating on these but I boycott amazon and do not like the idea of any strong acid on cast aluminum.
Can you send a picture of what you're working on?

Have you tried any mother's aluminum polish, rubbing compound, or polishing compound- dremel?
Bought some more Walnut media.
I have some junk aluminum to experiment with.
The hope is that soda blasting takes off the stains and Walnut restores the correct as cast finish.
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