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Universal AC condensers


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Senior Member
Want to get a parallel flow condenser for the 67. Best I can tell is that the stock size is 14 x 24 and I don't think you can realistically go any larger because of the shape of the recess that the condenser fits into in the core support.

I think a lot of people recommend Original Air (Tampa, Fl I think). They sell a direct fit parallel flow condenser but it's $$$. About $350 which may not sound terrible, but you almost can't find a more expensive option. OPGI has a similar produce for about $350 too. But you can find an endless number of correct size condensers for 1/2 price or even 1/3 the price or less. I don't want to reuse original hoses and I'm not even sure I can find original mounting brackets that don't cost $100 themselves (can't find mine), so I'm not willing to pay a premium just because it's "direct fit."

Anyone have experience with a specific retailer or brand?

$170 for what is advertised as American made product:

Filthy cheap but looks a bit rough:

Another cheap option:
I like the $170 out of the bunch.

I know its more expensive but, Original Air is more my style as it would be a direct fit with brackets. Except Drier brackets. Plus it looks like it comes with all the fittings. So it would be worth it to me for the price to have everything in one package. Also being in Tampa is a plus for me.

My system is Vintage Air and came with the kit.
I put a universal one in my Monte about 10 yrs. ago. Looks about like your bottom one from coldhose, I got mine from EBay.
My auto/boat a/c guy told me get the largest condenser you can fit in the opening, I cut my core support larger for a big block radiator, I'm guessing you already have a rad in place, I have a VA Sure it'll Fit system
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