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On The Road Again... California 2024

In 1980 I drove to Yuma Az but we took I-10 all the way from N Fl, DFW area really stunk back then and I do mean Smelly, Phew, we spent the night in a motel and I remember hardly sleeping between the smell and guys trying to sell drugs car tires just about anything
7960 miles. 3 days driving from New Mexico to NC,

Excursion tried to show itself today, for the life of me I could not keep a turbo boot hose on, had to stop about 10 times, even popped it off in Atlanta traffic. Finally I got it to hold on and we made it home.
My brother had the same problem. The boot must be cleaned with a dryer of some kind (he used brake clean at my suggestion), and the mating parts cleaned as well and then he installed 2 clamps. The clamps get weak over time (spring loaded). Problem was solved after that.
My brother had the same problem. The boot must be cleaned with a dryer of some kind (he used brake clean at my suggestion), and the mating parts cleaned as well and then he installed 2 clamps. The clamps get weak over time (spring loaded). Problem was solved after that.
I tried a new boot I carried in my spare parts, used hair spray, popped off in no time. I finally ended up with the oldest boot (had 3) that had the lip in it on the hose, took a few tries but got that sucker so tight she didn't budge. I am taking the new boot back to OReillys as defective and going to order 4 new Riff Raff boots.

Literally the boots were popping off before I could get out of the breakdown lane. Once we got the boot to stay on, I would stop every 50 miles and retighten until we were confident she was good.

The old truck may have faltered but she never left us stranded. We beat the hell out of her pulling long grades, high speeds, crappy interstates, dirt roads, rain, dust, objects flying up off the road, heavy traffic but she came through for us. Camper too, no major issues with it.
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