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Trump Trial in NY

Yeah, I’d be surprised if there aren’t some lefty “activists” on the jury.

These are probably the same lefty hypocrites that think all POC are innocent or can’t get a fair shake from the criminal justice system but are fine being on a jury where they have zero intention of being inpartial.
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Yeah, I’d be surprised if there aren’t some lefty “activists” on the jury.
They tried to sneak on the jury, but a simple Google search exposed them.
But even people who stay off social media are left wing morons in NYC !

I thought the girls on "The View" couldn't say anything dumber. But yesterday took the cake.
One of them asked "what if a Trump voter gets on the jury?"
And they all panicked ! They exclaimed "we can't let that happen !"

So they think all jurors should be democrats ?

And yet if they had a jury of libs who hid their bias during jury selection and went into the trial saying “well listen to all the evidence and then convict him,” they would consider that justice.
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