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Got some "free" BBC Speedmaster heads today


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I was talking with a guy this AM and as we were chatting about Chevy stuff he asked if I wanted some free parts, well sure who doesn't want free stuff I told him. So in the garage he goes and pulls out a few boxes of stuff for me. Couple of old Holley's, some distributors and then 2 big boxes so I asked "what's in there?" He opens them and there's a used set of Aluminum BBC 320cc heads complete and I did ask "are you sure you want to give these away?" and he again said he did as no one will give him anything for them. I have helped him get his cars going from time to time but it wasn't to the amount of a set of heads. Well I got all the stuff home looked them over and I might do some work on these to see what I can get out of them. After all you sure can't make these any worse then Speedmaster does🤣

I like getting free sheet.
I was talking with a guy this AM and as we were chatting about Chevy stuff he asked if I wanted some free parts, well sure who doesn't want free stuff I told him. So in the garage he goes and pulls out a few boxes of stuff for me. Couple of old Holley's, some distributors and then 2 big boxes so I asked "what's in there?" He opens them and there's a used set of Aluminum BBC 320cc heads complete and I did ask "are you sure you want to give these away?" and he again said he did as no one will give him anything for them. I have helped him get his cars going from time to time but it wasn't to the amount of a set of heads. Well I got all the stuff home looked them over and I might do some work on these to see what I can get out of them. After all you sure can't make these any worse then Speedmaster does🤣

I like getting free sheet.
What engine in your car this year?
Make sure they're flat, check chambers & ports, put some good valves & springs in them and I'm thinking they'll be OK heads
The chambers are pretty large and he opened them up bigger then my 454 head gaskets. I'll need to find larger bore gaskets to see if they will work on my smaller bores. These may may have been on a 4.500 bore me thinks. If they don't work I can sell them.
No, I turned the car into more of a street car this year. Just took if for it's 1st. street drive since 1988 today. The 3.08's are great with the 468 BBC ported peanut port heads, and the turbo 400 I rebuild last summer works fantastic. Smokes the tires at will.
Are you done with your Test & Tune days?
I took a couple of valves out today to see what's been done, fresh valve job and the chambers have been reworked. They are opened up for a 4.5 bore. I could put them on a 454 block with some larger bore head gaskets just to sell my other engine, still for free I ain't bitchin'.
I took a couple of valves out today to see what's been done, fresh valve job and the chambers have been reworked. They are opened up for a 4.5 bore. I could put them on a 454 block with some larger bore head gaskets just to sell my other engine, still for free I ain't bitchin'.
Will they seal between walls? On my way to grocery store so if I don’t get right back 🙂
Here they are


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