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Front Brace

when I need to close off an end like that and If room permits, I like to weld a nut on the end. That way I can close it off with a bolt. Also keeps the pipe from being completely closed and building pressure while welding or powder coating. Or you can weld shut but drill a really small hole somewhere else in the pipe
But sounds like a great idea, thx
Got the CM drilled and tapped, used a ratcheting gear wrench on the tap and plenty Tap Majic👍🙂


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Dropped it off at a powder coat shop, $90-$100 first shop I called wanted $250 😳 both asked for pics via text and dimensions, I was thinking about $100 so I’m good
Got it bolted in today, easier for me to drop bolt down, thinking of using an electrical KO seal painted black to cap pipe ends


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