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Band Of Brothers


Active Member
There having a Band of Brothers marathon on channel whatever on the Sundance network.Don't know what your local area providers will call it but its worth searching for. Made by the same people that did Saving private Ryan so its a quality piece of Television
Hope you can find it on your TV or whatever. Sundance Network has all the TV shows from back in the day that were hits and they replaya lot of 60's 70's and 80's
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Band of brothers was a very popular series, and a couple friends of mine highly recommended it. But I paid for the DVD's having high hopes for it, and having really liked the movie "saving private Ryan" too. I ended up tossing the whole DVD set in the trash because I just couldn't bring myself to watch more than 20 minutes of it. It's way too much dragged out and slow moving for me. It labors every little detail of the characters' lives like a soap opera. That's what I didn't like about it. No offense. To each their own. I know it was very popular and was well liked by most viewers. So I guess I represent a minority.
Some of these series are really cheap on bluray disc.
I bought Band of Brothers for $15 +tax & shipping = $21 total

Thanks Cat I'll look into that I thought they would be more expensive than that. I guess the older those type of shows get the more their price will drop
Band of brothers was a very popular series, and a couple friends of mine highly recommended it. But I paid for the DVD's having high hopes for it, and having really liked the movie "saving private Ryan" too. I ended up tossing the whole DVD set in the trash because I just couldn't bring myself to watch more than 20 minutes of it. It's way too much dragged out and slow moving for me. It labors every little detail of the characters' lives like a soap opera. That's what I didn't like about it. No offense. To each their own. I know it was very popular and was well liked by most viewers. So I guess I represent a minority.
Bill you only watched 20 minutes ? the first episode is probably the slowest one of the whole bunch of them. I think they were trying to get the viewers to know the characters so when they went back to them later on during the battle scenes they wouldn't have to let you know what their name or nationality was. At least that's my take on it.
Day of Days and Carentan have much more action and also trying to follow the Sergeant that was killing the POW's was something that they just snuck in there.
Bill you only watched 20 minutes ? the first episode is probably the slowest one of the whole bunch of them. I think they were trying to get the viewers to know the characters so when they went back to them later on during the battle scenes they wouldn't have to let you know what their name or nationality was. At least that's my take on it.
Day of Days and Carentan have much more action and also trying to follow the Sergeant that was killing the POW's was something that they just snuck in there.
I guess I'm just a movie person. Seems like a whole lot of time, effort, and actors' careers these days are going more and more into TV series. This seems to have been a trend during the past ten years at least. And lot's of people I know are into all types of series. But all of them are like soap operas to me which have to be followed as the weeks go by. The Band of brothers I guess was really a mini-series but still not a movie. I just stick to movies. I just can't stay with a 6-30 hour long series. It takes too many days to get through it. The longest duration of entertainment that has held my attention was 3 hour movies like "The Green Mile" and "The Ten Commandments". After 3 to 3 1/2 hours that's it for me, and I want to get it over with in one day, one viewing.
Now that 24 series got me I couldn't watch it cause he never seems to die AND Jack Bauer all he did WAS YELL YELL YELL :D
ALL THE DAMM TIME it drove me crazy :cool: ;) but my Wife loved it so every sunday night or whatever it was on the TV
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Now that 24 series got me I couldn't watch it cause he never seems to die AND Jack Bauer all he did WAS YELL YELL YELL :D
ALL THE DAMM TIME it drove me crazy :cool: ;) but my Wife loved it so every sunday night or whatever it was on the TV

Remember when the show was so popular around 2005 ; people everywhere were wearing tshirts with WWJBD (what would Jack Bauer do ?)

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