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We've lost one of the Oak Ridge Boys today!


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Joe Bonsall has passed away, sadly! This really pains me as my whole family are avid Oak Ridge Boys fans. We went to see them at least three times while living in Sarasota, FL (where both of our sons were born) and again up here in Pennsylvania. Of course I have many of their albums as well. So very sad to hear about this, as I'm sure many will be. RIP Joe and blessings to your family and beloved fans everywhere! ❤️
Sad. He was a really nice man.
I went to church with him in the early 80's. I knew his friend Duane Allen (also of the band).
I wonder if it was cancer ?
Complications from ALS I believe. We started going to their concerts in the early 80’s (or maybe it was late ‘70’s).
OMG, that's a terrible way to die.
RIP Joe. He's in a much better place today
I had to look for it online as my wife saw it on Facebook but I don’t have FB account. The only thing I could find was a news statement that he had died as the result of his treatment complications for ALS. We will know more later maybe. I knew he was ill but this just hit us hard....such a great guy!!!
My wife tells me it was definitely ALS...he'd been battling it for 4 years. He just got to the point his legs wouldn't let him do much at all so he retired a while back. We just have a great deal of really good memories (except for the time William Lee Golden left the group)...but he did return, thankfully, as he added so much to their harmony sound! Golden's son recently passed away too (son was in his 60's).

Discussing our concerts with my wife, one time when they were playing in Bartow, Florida - outdoor concert in the middle of nowhere, one of those afternoon Florida rain storms came upon us (with thunder & lightening). I specifically remember Joe saying into the microphone that all the fans are staying so we're gonna "keep on playing"!!! and they did. I think their set manager had a heart attack, but we all made it through the storm "together". THAT'S a great memory to relish!
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