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Hybrid Corvette/All Electric Corvette coming...

"Chevrolet on Monday confirmed that an "electrified" Corvette is coming, with a fully electric version to follow. What's the difference? Electrified means some sort of hybridization, possibly meaning a plug-in hybrid system with the ability to cover a short distance in fully EV mode. Fully electric means completely battery-powered and emissions-free."

"Those are all the details we have for now, but Chevrolet did release the above teaser video of the Corvette doing a hard launch and some drifting on what appears to be salt flats. Look closely and you can see that the thing is spinning all four wheels. And the eagle-eyed among you will have noted that it's the front wheels that spin first.

If I had to guess, this means we'll see electric motors driving the front wheels and the rear powered by a V8, much like the Acura NSX. That should make for an incredibly powerful setup and one that's even better in low-grip circumstances.

As to the all-electric version? At this point it's anyone's guess what kind of configuration will follow, but if all this is a little too progressive for you, fear not. Chevrolet has also said that traditional, gasoline-powered 'Vettes aren't going anywhere. At least, not yet."
Wait till Nascar goes EV, the Daytona 500 with 6 hr recharging pits every 15 laps, and full containment pods during uncontrolled fires....it'll pretty much kill what's left of it from the stands.
As for the vette, somehow it doesn't concern me, modern technology makes for interesting reading, but that's where it ends for me.
I've been daily driving my '06 Z06, but parked it for a few months this winter.
I guess with an AWD one, I could run it all winter in MN? :)
That I think is an issue currently only with GM. Maybe it was too long ago. But something they should have seen coming. And maybe they did and not care. Either way they dropped the ball on that. Could they do the same here? Sure. And other Manuf. as well.

Take the Nissan Leaf for example. One of the first EVs started in 2010. A 24kWh lithium-ion battery; EPA range 73-84 miles. They still sell those batteries, a quick search are about $6K They even sell retro kits for those cars to upgrade to the newer 2nd GEN batteries at 62kWh lithium-ion battery; EPA range of 226 miles at $13k. I would assume any good Car company would do the same and give support to their lineup through retro kits. Something that should be easily accomplished through advancements as Batteries hopefully get smaller, lighter and more capacity. In my opinion, GM will continue to go down hill and I wouldn't buy one. Coming from a die hard GM fan.

As for battery's lasting, I know many are saying 300,000-500,000 miles or 1500+ charges. Though this is going to depend on many factors like temperature, constant battery drain percentage to charge, and mostly to Quick charging. Quick charging will kill them and I assume this is what will be a brick wall quicker than other issues. People are going to want the quickest charge to compete with their gas vics fill-up rate. It will be a quick charge all the time for time and distance equality. From the past 12yrs, Id say the avg from what I've seen has been 8rs.
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