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Here's some old guy trivia: (might be considered a bit nerdy, but it was part of our childhood in the late 60's)


Active Member
IDK if any of you will be able to follow along with this list, but in 1967 when my brother and I were 6 years old we looked forward to 3:00 pm every week day when we would get home from school, turn on the TV and watch the next episode of our then favorite cartoon "Speed Racer" OK we're on an honor system here, cuz we have to agree to avoid asking siri or doing an internet search to answer these questions, ok? Going just by memory here can you tell me:

#1. Who was Speed Racer's long lost brother?

#2. Where did Pops Racer hide the blue prints for the Mach Five?

#3. What was the name of Speed Racer's kid brother?

#4. What was Speed Racer's girl friend's first name?

#5. What was the name of the family pet chimpanzee?

#6. In the "World's Fastest Car" episode, where did the bad guy mobsters find the special one of a kind "GRX" engine for that car?

#7. In the "Mammoth Car" episode, what was the mammoth car really made out of, (which BTW was revealed at the end of the episode)??

#8. In the episode with the Acrobat car racer team, ( I don't remember the name of the episode) what exactly did their cars have that the Mach Five didn't have, which Pops Racer had to install on the Mach Five to enable Speed to compete with the Car Acrobatic team and race against their cars?

#9. What was the name of the mechanic for the Mach Five?

#10. What type of aircraft did Speed Racer's girlfriend pilot?

#11. Again, concerning "The World's Fastest Car" episode, what had to be done to any and every person before they would be able to drive that car and be able to cope with the incredible speeds it was capable of?

#12. What country was the Speed Racer original cartoon episodes produced in? Here's a hint: It was the same country that the "Gigantor" cartoon was produced in.

To make things easier, whatever answers you're able to come up with by memory, just list them in your post right after the corresponding number of the question. My long term memory is outstanding so I'm able to remember a great deal about my childhood including this cartoon, ( unfortunately some of the things just last week I cannot even remember).
I was 4 in 1967 and to be truthful, I remember speed racer and the car, but nothing else about it. We weren't allowed to watch TV during the day and were told to go outside and play (and I thank my parents for forcing us).
I was 4 in 1967 and to be truthful, I remember speed racer and the car, but nothing else about it. We weren't allowed to watch TV during the day and were told to go outside and play (and I thank my parents for forcing us).
Well you being 4 years old at the time is really a big difference than me being 6yrs old as far as remembering details like that are concerned. For some reason in Kinder garden, (which my brother and I were in that year) we didn't have a lunch break since it was a short day for us in school which began pretty late in the morning. So my mom had a lunch waiting for us every day when we got home, and my brother and I would sit down in front of the TV while we ate and watched Speed Racer. It was only a 25 minute show and we would pretty much be outside the rest of the time. And I think that cartoon helped to form my love for cars at an early age. If I remember right, the Speed Racer cartoon ran for only one season/One year but I'm not positive about that. But I don't remember us watching it the following year when we were both in first grade.
Well you being 4 years old at the time is really a big difference than me being 6yrs old as far as remembering details like that are concerned. For some reason in Kinder garden, (which my brother and I were in that year) we didn't have a lunch break since it was a short day for us in school which began pretty late in the morning. So my mom had a lunch waiting for us every day when we got home, and my brother and I would sit down in front of the TV while we ate and watched Speed Racer. It was only a 25 minute show and we would pretty much be outside the rest of the time. And I think that cartoon helped to form my love for cars at an early age. If I remember right, the Speed Racer cartoon ran for only one season/One year but I'm not positive about that. But I don't remember us watching it the following year when we were both in first grade.

Most likely in first grade you were in school all day long, but I don't really know how long speed racer was on for.
I remember Speed Racer but was more into Lost in Space, Land of the Giants, Munsters, Adams Family, Wild West but that might have been in later 60’s? Now Sat mornings was Jetsons, Flintstones lol I was 7 in 67
No assistance here, I'm thinking Chim chim for the monkey.....I was 2 but do remember it being on somewhere in early grammar school, maybe early 70s??? The corny dialogue was not my favorite, I just watched because I was a motor head in formation.
I remember Speed Racer but was more into Lost in Space, Land of the Giants, Munsters, Adams Family, Wild West but that might have been in later 60’s? Now Sat mornings was Jetsons, Flintstones lol I was 7 in 67
The Munsters was a cool show. That family car they had was a real live car just as the Batmobile was. I remember the episode where Herman lost the family car in a heads up gambler drag race and Grandpa munster built a drag car out of a coffin to win it back.
No assistance here, I'm thinking Chim chim for the monkey.....I was 2 but do remember it being on somewhere in early grammar school, maybe early 70s??? The corny dialogue was not my favorite, I just watched because I was a motor head in formation.
Yep, it was Chim Chim. That was actually one of the more difficult questions. And yeah it did have a corney dailogue.
The Munsters was a cool show. That family car they had was a real live car just as the Batmobile was. I remember the episode where Herman lost the family car in a heads up gambler drag race and Grandpa munster built a drag car out of a coffin to win it back.
I remember that episode Herman wearing a leather jacket, a hat & goggles 😂
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