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Prepping Chicken 😂


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Wasn’t sure where to ask about this, I need an Inexpensive meat grinder to shred Chicken for our Furry kids dinner, every evening I do this but a fork takes to long, any ideas? Other than stop feeding them Chicken lol20A018A8-40C0-46B2-B67B-78C23E1E69DD.jpeg
I’m ordering that today, Kathy said try our drink blender but I think it would get destroyed 1st try
I’m ordering that today, Kathy said try our drink blender but I think it would get destroyed 1st try

Yeah, Lisa puts chicken, pork, and beef in that and cuts it into smaller chunks for Belle. We have a high end glass blender and the small blades at the bottom won't work, so Lisa bought that and has been using it for years.
You all dogs are spoiled! Mine get dog food :) and an occasional plate to lick.
Mine use to get Sam’s Club Rotesiere chicken till 1 got pancreatitis and Dr said Only boiled chicken, now they get $30-$35 a week skinless breast boiled, they eat better than I eat 😆
Mine use to get Sam’s Club Rotesiere chicken till 1 got pancreatitis and Dr said Only boiled chicken, now they get $30-$35 a week skinless breast boiled, they eat better than I eat 😆
Nope, not here. They get dog food and dog treats and are spoiled rotten! My big girl (85 lbs) would be twice her size if I gave here chicken like that, she eats enough as it is!
Eating chicken, pork, and beef mixed with crunchy dog food is both good and essential for a dog. Belle was raised on a raw diet of chicken and beef (literally raw), until she got older and couldn't chew it anymore (would just gulp it down), then Lisa started using the chopper and adding in a small amount of dog food to keep her jaw strong. Vet said it was the best way to feed a dog.
My grandfather fed his 2 water spaniels dry dog food, powdered milk, any leftovers from the table, 1 cracked egg and a glass of water. Dogs lived for longer than they could hunt waterfowl. 15 or 16 years if I remember correctly.
Chicken is so dry ; how do the furry kids swallow it ? Do you mix it with something ?
I think you should feed them grass-fed hamburger (organic) from Sam's but they are out right now ?
Then 75/25 ground beef would be good ! People and dogs need more fat in their diet
We feed them dry food too, I’ll take a pic since it’s 4 types and they eat something with the chicken along with water 🙂 2 types Blue Diamond, From senior and Taste of the Wild Pacific Salmon


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I'd like to convince my wife to feed dry dog food, she seems to think they don't eat enough. She want them to eat Farmers Dog. One is way overweight & of course he eats the most, sometimes till he gets sick.
Why is your lab mix so grouchy after being fed like this ?? :ROFLMAO:
He’s always been Grouchy lol, when he wasn’t even 1 year old we had him at the shop I use to rent working on the Chevelle and some guy that lived in the neighborhood walked up to talk and the little nut case started growling and barking trying to get at the guy, we were laughing because he was about the size of a large cat 😂
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