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Stall Speed


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My friend & co-worker Paul is having the crate 350 pulled out of his 63 Nova vert and having the 302 we went to get a cpl yrs ago installed, he bought a built 200-4r and last year I gave him a TCI 2,500 stall conv that came with the TCI 200 I bought from a member on OCS, the 302 has an Elgin Pro Line Solid flat tappet DZ302 replacement cam I don’t remember specs but think it’s in the 252-258 range, think in a light car 2,500 stall is enough? He’s not taking it to any drag strips but wants to be able to drive easily and be able to run someone light to light WO looking foolish, TIA for any and all advice, personally I was very happy with a 3,200 behind the 454 and very happy with the 3,600 LU behind the 489 but I have a heavier car
IMO, no, if he wants to jump up into the useful RPMs, he'll need to get a bit more aggressive. I ran a 302 cammed with a slightly smaller grind and chose a 9.5" freakshow convertor in my vega, probably weighs similar to that nova. I left a lot of rpm on the table. Should have bought an 8 inch off the shelf. Even had a talk with freakshow and gave him all my numbers and needs. Still have that motor, and the convertor, sold the vega. A convertor is a bitch to swap, so get it right.
IMO, no, if he wants to jump up into the useful RPMs, he'll need to get a bit more aggressive. I ran a 302 cammed with a slightly smaller grind and chose a 9.5" freakshow convertor in my vega, probably weighs similar to that nova. I left a lot of rpm on the table. Should have bought an 8 inch off the shelf. Even had a talk with freakshow and gave him all my numbers and needs. Still have that motor, and the convertor, sold the vega. A convertor is a bitch to swap, so get it right.
I spoke to him a little while ago and asked if he told the trans builder what it’s going behind, he’s decided to leave the crate (I think 290hp) 350 in and put the 302 in something else, I’m thinking the TCI 2,500 would be ok for that
Does he have lockup? what does he have for rear gears. I'd go minimum 3500.
Saw on another forum a fella was looking for a 85-8900 stall, highest I've ever seen I think was around 7K.
302's make shit for torque so it will need a good amount of stall speed to get the car rolling off the line. There's a reason guys ran 4 speeds and 5.13 gears with 302 SBC's back in the day, to get them in the powerband faster.
A cpl weeks ago he bought a 200r4 from a local builder for the Chevy II vert, he's leaving the 350 in it and going to use the 2500 LU conv I gave him, not sure what he's doing with the 302
I always wanted to get about 4500 stall & put a 350 back in my car & see what it would run. Mark said about 4 tenths slower with the OD trans.
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