Old Chevelles

Welcome to OldChevelles.com, built by Auto Enthusiasts for Auto Enthusiasts. Cars are not our only interests so please feel free to post about any subject the community might enjoy or you just feel you need to air.

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  • We've enabled the website app for anyone who wants to use it on a mobile or desktop device.

  • We've changed the header logo to display our Member's Cars.

    If you'd like your car to show up there, go to the forum Site Bugs & Feature Requests and post your image in the "Member's Car Pictures for the Header Logo" and we'll add your car into the lineup.

Recent content by 69SHEVL

  1. 69SHEVL

    Just stopped by.............

    .....to say hello and wish all of my old Team Chevelle friends a Merry Christmas and a healthy, Happy New Year. Miss you guys..............
  2. 69SHEVL

    Bill of Health

    Macho Man says: OOOH yeah!
  3. 69SHEVL

    Bill of Health

    Got one here:
  4. 69SHEVL

    Bill of Health

    Certainly great news. Time for a vacation?
  5. 69SHEVL


    Nuthin' wrong with "Bench Racing"
  6. 69SHEVL

    Car at the top

    How about feature a different member's car each month.
  7. 69SHEVL

    Core Member Moniker Title

    Welcome to the Revolution!
  8. 69SHEVL


    American Patriot will pay TOP DOLLAR for any Chevelle, any year, running or not, as long as Joe Biden's resignation is in the glove box.
  9. 69SHEVL

    Posting pictures or documents

    Boy, you got a big back yard. You can park lots of cars back there!
  10. 69SHEVL

    2022 Ford Maverick

    They already got the Escape, Explorer, Edge, Bronco, Expedition, Excursion and your Ecosport as SUV's.
  11. 69SHEVL

    2022 Ford Maverick

    How about the new Mustang? Fukken thing is an SUV?
  12. 69SHEVL

    First Thread for the King of the Muscle Cars :)

    How many cars and people has Tom abused?
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