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Do You Speed?


Shop Foreman

I am one of the drivers that does go faster than 15 over the limit, probably everyday but I am usually running with traffic on I-40. 70% of my driving is rural roads, usually I am 5 to 7 over but I am also aware of deer, dogs, tractors and slow drivers show up unexpectedly.

40 years ago I got nailed for 56 in a 35 on a rural road in MD, the speed limit was IMO too slow but the Deputy was happy to give me a ticket. During the 55 MPH era I also was ticketed for 66 in a 55, and nowadays most cops ignore that. There is a small town nearby that 35 means 35 and a stop sign means a complete stop behind the white line. I outsmarted a cop in that town years ago with the help of a friend, the cop could not get turned around fast enough because he slowed down to make traffic back up and by the time she did I had taken a right turn and was on the back roads, she was running around town with her lights on. My friend and I met up on the back roads and to this day we still laugh about it.
My wife is always telling me look at all the cars that are passing you. At least I'm not to the stage of being in the passing lane for miles with the blinker on.
My pet peeves are no turn signals and when you pass someone they speed up making the return to the right lane hard to do.

Also, on the back roads if traffic is already over the limit, those that come up at 15-20 over and tailgate the group are flat out dangerous and many of these people pass in no passing zones.
HAHAHA ! Why yes I do !

I was just pulled over on I-10 two days ago in the 70 for cruising 92mph which is about normal for me with higher runs. I had the radar detector going and my JBV1 APP. so I saw him on the APP but saw he had no RADAR/LASER going. Plus he was on the side of the road so I knew he wouldn't know how fast I was. He just knew I was going faster. Got off with a warning. Super Awesome FHP here. I drive the 70 everyday that there's no rain projected so at a min. twice a week. We live in a rural area so some backroads until I have to get on I-10. 60mi round trip.

Before retiring from the Navy two years ago. I was stationed in MS. and my family had moved back home here in FL so I made the 362mi one way trip every weekend for 4yrs. My Dodge was/is my daily during that time and if weather is not good as well as for longer trips. Since I travel/ed in that, it has a RADAR/LASER detector/Jammer (ALP) hard installed. I run that with my APPs and another standalone detector. AVG Cruise gets set at 92mph with regular runs up to 1XX in no traffic. Like butter. Drove it today.

I get pulled over about once every 2 months but never a ticket. My first 70 I had in High School (1989-92), I lost my license in it 3 times. Twice for to many points and once for street racing. I got married at 18 before joining the Navy and had no License. Being the only Chevelle in town at that time, the Cops knew me well. I'll never get over street... .

My current 70 is so much fun and flat gets it on the HWY but I purpose built it for heavy HWY and high speed. I would love to do the Nevada Silver State Classic some day !
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I remember back about 1992, I decided to do a nice burnout at a 4 way stop, just getting outside of city limits. What I didn't know was that there was a cop coming down the cross street just as I was rolling through the intersection. As I continued haulin ass down the road, I saw a faint red and blue behind me. So I turned onto a side road and pulled over. The officer eventually pulled behind me. I gave him the typical "my carburetor was acting up, so I just got mad and floored it" response. He said, "I initially clocked you at 78 in a 45mph zone. I tried to clock you again, but you were pulling away from me too fast." He gave me a warning, and told us to have a nice night.:D
I got a speeding ticket on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge back in '82. I was on my way home to Connecticut for a family reunion and hit some of the worst fog ever from Camp Lejeune, NC all the way to the bridge. What normally would have been a 4 hour drive to the bridge was already at 6 hours, and when I started on the bridge, the fog had completely cleared (probably because it was over the water), so I nailed it and was seriously haulin'. I had a CB radio on so I could listen to the truckers just in case there was a speed trap, and the CB had been pretty quiet. It was about 2am when I entered the first tunnel, and I came flying out of the second tunnel when I saw the bubble gum lights (yep, they still had the bubble gum lights on top), when I heard over the CB, "Blue Skylark, please pull over", I was like what? The police came up on me pretty fast (I had already slowed down pretty much knowing I was bagged), so I pulled over at the end of the bridge (I had already gotten that far).

The cop came walking up to the car, I had my registration and insurance cards out already, and I just handed them out the window before he even asked (I knew the drill and had gotten a number of speeding tickets already), and he asked, "Do you know how fast you were going?", and I responded, "No, but I was going fast". He said they clocked me going into the first tunnel at 98mph, and clocked me coming out of the second tunnel at 105mph. I immediately knew I was in deep.

He asked where I was going in such a hurry, and I explained I was going home on a 96 hour pass for a family reunion, when he saw my uniform hanging in the back seat, and he said, "Please remain here with the car turned off". I figured I was going to jail, and it wasn't going to be good. Millions of thoughts running through my head of who was close enough to me that I could call to bail me out of jail, when the cop walked back up and said, "Ordinarily I'd be cuffing you and taking you to jail. 20 over the speed limit and you're automatically arrested, but as fast as you were driving, that's reckless endangerment and that comes with an automatic jail sentence. I see you're serving in the United States Marines, and that counts for something, so I'm giving you a ticket for 9mph over the speed limit (which was 55mph at the time), and you need to slow down." I said, "Thank you", and he responded slow down and have a good night.

I slowed down for a while, but got 2 more speeding tickets (one in Maryland, then in New Jersey) in the next few hours, but that's a story for another day.
I go over that bridge at least 4 times a year, I always run at 55 because the Bridge Police will nail you. You are lucky the cops on the Eastern Shore of VA didn't get you too. I have never seen many cops on my way thru MD up 13 or 113. Delaware will nail you in a heartbeat on US13 and Del 18. Of course that was back years ago, I doubt you could do 100 on the bridge now with all of the traffic.
YES! I like to get from point A to point B ASAP LOL, 2019 driving round trip to Indy twice on the 2nd trip coming S on I-75 just South of Atl. Ga. I was clocked 93 IIRC in a 65 so the Trooper gave me a Super Speeder ticket for $603, $403 speeding ticket with a Bonus $200 Super Speeder, I've got a few warnings on bikes when telling and showing broken speedo parts but some Officers also said "If you knew it was broke you should've had it fixed" and wrote tickets, I went in front of a judge once to pay a speeding ticket (No Jail time deal) and he was reading my driving record then was reading someone else's record and I said "That's not all my record" he said " Well Mr Hunter I'm going to believe what's on this paper in front of me" then gave me 10 days in jail over someone else's problem then I had to call a friend to get my sportster out of the parking lot, it's a long story too and I never got an apology either
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I will say this much.... I used to speed all the time (every time I got in the car), but I've slowed down to the speed limit now.

I've had my license suspended twice for too many speeding tickets, but the last time was in the '80s. In fact my license had been suspended and I didn't even know it (before all the agencies were interlinked), and Connecticut issued me a new license when it expired for a number of years, until they became interlinked with all the states, and it was reported I had lost my license due to a reckless driving charge 10 years earlier in Massatwoshits. I was going through a divorce with my first wife and I had just had another argument with her.

Cost me a pretty penny to get it reinstated.
I'm kinda getting like Hank, wife says all those people passing you old man. Still hate it when she drives, only way I can do it is if I fall asleep fast.
Probably about 5 tickets in 50 years of having a license mostly in the 55 mph era & they were all for around 70 mph & I think 3 were when I drove truck.
Although a friend of mine claimed till the day he died he got stopped for 129 in a 55 & the state trooper let him go. Oh yea he died by falling off the roof of his house.
Mike I'd love to be able to drive my Chevelle like you do yours, in fact anyone that gets to do that 👍👍🙂
Why are there so many people driving at the speed limit in the left lane on the Interstates ???
Especially trucks that don't have the speed to pass ???
HAHAHA ! Why yes I do !

I was just pulled over on I-10 two days ago in the 70 for cruising 92mph which is about normal for me with higher runs. I had the radar detector going and my JBV1 APP. so I saw him on the APP but saw he had no RADAR/LASER going. Plus he was on the side of the road so I knew he wouldn't know how fast I was. He just knew I was going faster. Got off with a warning. Super Awesome FHP here. I drive the 70 everyday that there's no rain projected so at a min. twice a week. We live in a rural area so some backroads until I have to get on I-10. 60mi round trip.

Before retiring from the Navy two years ago. I was stationed in MS. and my family had moved back home here in FL so I made the 362mi one way trip every weekend for 4yrs. My Dodge was/is my daily during that time and if weather is not good as well as for longer trips. Since I travel/ed in that, it has a RADAR/LASER detector/Jammer (ALP) hard installed. I run that with my APPs and another standalone detector. AVG Cruise gets set at 92mph with regular runs up to 1XX in no traffic. Like butter. Drove it today.

I get pulled over about once every 2 months but never a ticket. My first 70 I had in High School (1989-92), I lost my license in it 3 times. Twice for to many points and once for street racing. I got married at 18 before joining the Navy and had no License. Being the only Chevelle in town at that time, the Cops knew me well. I'll never get over street... .

My current 70 is so much fun and flat gets it on the HWY but I purpose built it for heavy HWY and high speed. I would love to do the Nevada Silver State Classic some day !
Which detector do you have?
I run a Valentine One Gen 2 and Uniden R7 for standalones (not at the same time). Both with running JBV1 phone APP. That app is the best customizable App and made directly for the Valentine but can be used as a stand alone like Waze. JBV1 is a crowd sourced APP that pulls from many others (like Waze) so you don't need several. Its also one of the only APPs that are linked to the FAA flight info for Aircraft information. So you get Registration numbers, operator (State and HP), flight path info etc... . This is specifically helpful here in Florida as FHP use aircraft for speed detection. I keep mine set at 10NM range and 3000ft. Then hard mounted in the Dodge is my ALP detector system with LASER Jammer heads mounted front and rear. I only have one complete system. But you never have to upgrade as the software its downloadable when new comes out. When the Dodge has worn out, the system will come out and install in the 70.

Yes I speed a lot and love to drive fast. Its nice to have peace of mind when driving. The worst part is when you're traveling and have this going on and other drivers wanting to pace with you. They always get pulled over and you don't. I sometimes feel bad.

If you're really interested, VORTEX RADAR on youtube is your guy. He does amazing real world testing on everything.

Also has a webpage and explains every item and how best to set them up. Including car cams.

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I do not speed on local streets, but have always been a firm believer that limited access freeways should not have any speed limit at all, and drive accordingly. I got stopped a long time ago in my '74 Olds 442 for 121 in a 55 zone and got a warning, the officer was a relative of a friend and it was 3 am, and stopped on the Ohio turnpike on a dealer trade in an '87 IROC for 107 in a 55, also a warning, the officer was young and more interested in looking at the car than giving me a hard time.
The Ohio turnpike is tough, they are always rolling and if they are doing 60 and you are speeding in the opposite direction, your closing speed is so great that by the time a detector goes off, its too late, especially when the speed limit was 55. I am 4 miles from work now, and rarely get out much any more.
The last time I was on the freeway at all was this summer in my '68 Caprice on I-10 between Houston and Driftwood in the Hill Country, and I rolled 80-85 the entire way and never saw a cop.
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