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Modern day Dr. Brown

The wheels on that contraption look like they’re rated for 5 mph 🤣 and think about a Wipe Out and that Red Hot contraption on top of you, he does get an award from me for Bravery 👍👍🤣🍻🍻 reminds me of an old friend trying to jump the newly widened Joes Creek on a bike while hanging on to a car door handle to get a good running start from about a 1/4 mile away, he wasn’t smiling at the end and needed an ambulance ride 🤣
I don't see any seat there is JUST a red hot exhaust pipe....so no sitting for me thank you

over on the other site I had this to say about the video posted over there :
I was going to say that technology wasn't used till WW2 but you said it first and you're right. That guy's insane is all I can come up with.

With said there's also some kind of video manipulation going on. The crazy contraption starts with what looks like a 13" front wheel & tire like from a street rod then between 18 and 28 seconds of the vid the front wheels change to a smaller wheel like off a Go-kart. So there has to be some manipulation going on in the video room.
Plus that big bend in the pipe kind of throws a monkey wrench into the "Pulse-Jet Theory" as every pulse jet I've ever saw on TV or the internet was a straight thru design so it takes the ram jet into effect getting the air flow started. So how does that bend effect the pulse jet ???

Here's the video that I wrote about

What do you think about what I said and the wheels changing mid-video ???
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I don't know anyting about the pulse jet, but seeing a glowing red hunk of metal in front of me makes me wonder when it would snap off and head straight for my lap......ewww baby!! Rear engine please!!
I'd think that stack has to be at least 10ga steel, any lighter would be very short lived. The annealing process would just weaken it to literally folding under the weight or the wind. I'd also think b-vent would be melted, the inner liner then the outer in a quick fashion.
I'd think that stack has to be at least 10ga steel, any lighter would be very short lived. The annealing process would just weaken it to literally folding under the weight or the wind. I'd also think b-vent would be melted, the inner liner then the outer in a quick fashion.
Has to be very uncomfortable to be standing over the heat even going down the road, not my cup of tea lol
Yeah but with the Boss Hoss bikes their engine is located with the engine facing forward like it would be in a car but the Michigan Madman has his SBC engine located sideways so it mounts up to the HD transmission.
This is CRAZY because it looks like he launches right off the bikes stand as he's still sitting on the stand at the starting line ??? It looks like those BossHog bikes are equipped with an LS type engine now ...... more power in a lighter package
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