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1965 chevelle 12 bolt grade


New Member
I have 1965 chevelle day2 with 10 bolt. I want to replace with 1970 chevelle 12 bolt. What rear spring do I need to use? I know length difference but need help with rear springs. Thank you
Same springs........the upper winding will dictate which version to use, so same frame, same spring. The '67 and later lower mounts are thimbles, while the '64-'66 lower mounts on the rearend are just a flat plate. This early version uses a plate that sandwiches the lowest coil to the rearend mount plate, which secures it. The later versions just sit on a "male" nub, and relies on the weight of the vehicle and compression of the spring to keep it in place.
I have 1965 chevelle day2 with 10 bolt. I want to replace with 1970 chevelle 12 bolt. What rear spring do I need to use? I know length difference but need help with rear springs. Thank you
You are aware that that rear is 1" wider and you'll need more backspace on your wheels ?
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