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Old Habits are Hard To Break


Well-Known Member
Just an obeervation. I noticed in a few threads members referring to TC by accident. I think anyways.
One post mentioned that if they had problems the members at TC would help them out with thier wealth of knowelege. I get it old habits are hard to break. Just an observation of course.
Well, it's still called Team Chevelle (TC), but Checo coined the phrase OCS (Other Chevelle Site) and it kind of stuck. I myself will give no reference to them as they have gone liberal and censoring is now home there, but each to their own.
I’ve referenced TC just recently because I was referring to helpful input I received there since 2007. No preferential treatment intended! I’m also here for a reason but most of us still utilize TC I believe.
Agree and yes, it was great for its past helpful input and exchange. I still use it only to finish individual 'conversations' I had started while helping others these past several months, but do not post in the open sections anymore. Once that's completed, I will only go for the past/necessary information posted but not to for new or additions. I followed Checo and call it OCS as well. Other than that, I personally will not reference it by anything else. Just my decision.
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