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RVs Being Banned in Blue States

So if it's a home it's not an RV.....designed to aid the derelicts. That's the way I read it anyway.
What about the retired couples that sold their homes and whatever else to be able to enjoy retirement traveling across this Great USA? They’re not allowed in Blue states? Hum wonder how many Dems are already doing this and how do they feel about this Commie nonsense? I’m thinking a man in an invisible Red Cape that will soon be taking the drivers seat of this country will get this straightened out
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Always……. Always trust California to do the dumb thing.
I guess it pushes people to buy travel trailers?
At some point even the moderate libs will get fed up and leave. You can’t ever please the left because they continue to move the goal posts.
Hope illegals and homeless support their “green” agenda because pretty soon that’s all that’ll be left.
Probably going to be tough to sell mine soon.

RV market took a shitter when the price of fuel when through the roof, and then the economy took a nose dive solidifying them as a purely luxury buy. Our motorhome is worth less than half of what we paid for it, so we decided to keep it and use it as guest quarters.
Current RV registrations will not be affected, only the sale of new RVs in the states. This ban is also going to affect larger trucks like the F500s and F650s because of no zero-emission alternative. Bear in mind, this is six states banning the sales because they follow CARB rules, 5 or 6 more states join this clown show in 2026.

The Ford F-53 chassis will be allowed in CA because of zero emission alternatives.
One of our girls and her husband are shopping this weekend for a motor coach? they have a 5th wheel type but want to get into a new drivable type, glad we’re not in a Blue state 👍👍
One of our girls and her husband are shopping this weekend for a motor coach? they have a 5th wheel type but want to get into a new drivable type, glad we’re not in a Blue state 👍👍
Drivables are awesome but here is my dilemma, You pay $200K for one and only use it for trips and then it sits. With a 5th wheel you pay 70-120K and buy a truck for 80-100K, at least you can use the truck when not RVing. Also, with a motorhome you need to tow a car behind you, with a 5th wheel or travel trailer your tow vehicle is your transport vehicle.
Plusses and minuses to everything.
Drivables are awesome but here is my dilemma, You pay $200K for one and only use it for trips and then it sits. With a 5th wheel you pay 70-120K and buy a truck for 80-100K, at least you can use the truck when not RVing. Also, with a motorhome you need to tow a car behind you, with a 5th wheel or travel trailer your tow vehicle is your transport vehicle.
Plusses and minuses to everything.
They’re already talking about selling the 5th wheel & truck and buying a small car, they usually only camp locally but he flys to Vegas and another state for his work, maybe they’re thinking making family road trips instead of him flying alone, I haven’t talked to them Kathy did and hasn’t asked any reason for doing this
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