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You may need coolant for EV charging cables...

Yea, but the faster you charge a current battery the sooner it wears out.
I used to have a Chevy Volt. It was a great day when I got the home charger installed. Recharge times went down by half from 8 to 4 hours and energy consumption decreased too. It seems inconceivable that charging times could be reduced to the time it would take to fill your tank with gasoline. That will be the key to making solely electric cars viable.
FACT: The slower the charging rate, The longer the Batt. will live. Electric fork trucks 36 & 48 Vlts. We would tell Customers to When the batt is down SLOW CHARGE it !!!! If you doubt my words , Check charging rates with a large Batt. Co like " DEKA ". And ask them and gather charging info. Bottom line is this, Constant FAST CHARGING of a battery will SHORTEN its life span. That is fact not fiction. Question? What is the life span of Batterys in an Electric car? and what is the replacement COST Also what do you do with the OLD BATTERYS???????????? Bob
P. S. Do you believe the Electric car folks will tell you that slow charging a battery is better than a FAST CHARGE,, Marketing folks do not want you to know that. Dont ask them........... Ask folks that Mfg. Batterys for the truth. Bob
FACT: The slower the charging rate, The longer the Batt. will live. Electric fork trucks 36 & 48 Vlts. We would tell Customers to When the batt is down SLOW CHARGE it !!!! If you doubt my words , Check charging rates with a large Batt. Co like " DEKA ". And ask them and gather charging info. Bottom line is this, Constant FAST CHARGING of a battery will SHORTEN its life span. That is fact not fiction. Question? What is the life span of Batterys in an Electric car? and what is the replacement COST Also what do you do with the OLD BATTERYS???????????? Bob
P. S. Do you believe the Electric car folks will tell you that slow charging a battery is better than a FAST CHARGE,, Marketing folks do not want you to know that. Dont ask them........... Ask folks that Mfg. Batterys for the truth. Bob

Pulse chargers are the best type since they offer a small charge over time that pulses to the battery.

Take a red top and run it down quickly then charge it as fast as you can, it won't live long.

The other problem is all of the lithium comes from overseas, the more we rely on buying from foreign countries the richer they become.
Supposedly there's a good amount of lithium in Nevada, but I'd guess the dems wouldn't want that going on in their backyard.
I may not be fully up to date but so far as I know there is currently still only ONE active Lithium mine in the USA.
It is at Slverpeak NV.
I have been there. Silverpeak has almost no population except during the mines working hours.
Not much to see, some evaporation ponds that change color as the Litium concentrates and a large tin processing building.
Actual processing to usable form takes place elsewhere.
Additional viable Li. mine sites have been identified in other area's of Nevada and Utah.
But the Eco-Nuts are fighting their opening like the crazies they are, "Camping" on site and filing endless lawsuits.
Of course the Tribes are also in on it, they will settle for a nice sum, it's really a shake-down job for them.
A recent front page article in the Reno paper made it clear these nut-jobs are NOT Nevada local, they are paid whores for the anti-everything extremist.
So the "Youth who want their electric future" are going to have to make a choice.
American produced electric resource minerals, or learning Mandarin Chinese.
Yea, but the faster you charge a current battery the sooner it wears out.
Exactly. Hybrids are the way to go.
Use electric motors to assist the gas engine as the gas engine recharges the batteries for the electric motor.
Best of both worlds !
I would not go that far.
My buddy has a Prius he got "A fantastic deal" on at a charity auction house.
Except that by the time he replaced the stolen CAT, battery pack, and a control unit, he is only marginally ahead of just getting a used one from the dealer.
I assure you I will never have an EV or Hybrid.
Too much specialized equipment required for service and the electrics can kill you PDQ if you do not know EXACTLY what you are doing.
If it becomes necessary my answer for $10.00 a gallon gas will be an ICE Geo 1.0 powered single seater.
I already have most of the parts on hand. Should get around 60+ MPG with the weight reduction and reduced frontal area.
I loved my Volt. But it was new when I got it and only had it a couple of years. No telling what the long term would have held. The commute I had at the time, I could go forever without buying fuel if I didn’t drive outside of its range. I’m considering a future project of combining a Tesla Model 3 with a Greenbrier van; project Greenerbrier.
Like a locomotive, electric power with onboard diesel (or gas) generator is IMHO the best direction for the future of our transportation needs.

You could still plug it in and run as an electric for your daily commutes, and only use the generator to extend range and to maintain battery life by keeping above a set minimum charge.
I loved my Volt. But it was new when I got it and only had it a couple of years. No telling what the long term would have held. The commute I had at the time, I could go forever without buying fuel if I didn’t drive outside of its range. I’m considering a future project of combining a Tesla Model 3 with a Greenbrier van; project Greenerbrier.
That would be interesting.
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