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Hows that Tesla working out for you?

On the other hand, having been in the dealership business for 40 years, neither I, nor anyone I know, would wipe their ass with a JD Powers report. Hell, they rated Jaguar as #1 a few years back!
On the other hand, having been in the dealership business for 40 years, neither I, nor anyone I know, would wipe their ass with a JD Powers report. Hell, they rated Jaguar as #1 a few years back!
I had two Jag's, XF's. The second one with the six, a 2019. Flawless... a little too fast. My lead foot better half would hit something well north of the speed limit, VERY well north, on I5 if we were going to San Diego when passing...
I had a '75 jag XJ6 with a 350/350 in it (conversion kit). Was a heavy car (at 4k lbs), but moved pretty well and was more dependable after I pulled the jag motor out and rewired it GM style.

Whomever designed the electrical system back then in the jags knew how to keep everyone in the dark. Every light had it's own fuse. What a nightmare that car was electrically until I rewired it.
I had a '75 jag XJ6 with a 350/350 in it (conversion kit). Was a heavy car (at 4k lbs), but moved pretty well and was more dependable after I pulled the jag motor out and rewired it GM style.

Whomever designed the electrical system back then in the jags knew how to keep everyone in the dark. Every light had it's own fuse. What a nightmare that car was electrically until I rewired it.
I worked at a Jag/Saab dealer in the 80's. Both were strange makes.
I have had Jags on and off for decades.
XK-120, XK-140, XKE, 2.4 Mk. 1, 3.4 Mk. II, Mk. VII, 420G, and XJ6.
I miss every one of them.
Most recent XJ6 was running fine but I ended up trading it for a forklift.
My El Camino is being built to approximate an XKE, since E-Types have gotten too expensive.
I have had Jags on and off for decades.
XK-120, XK-140, XKE, 2.4 Mk. 1, 3.4 Mk. II, Mk. VII, 420G, and XJ6.
I miss every one of them.
Most recent XJ6 was running fine but I ended up trading it for a forklift.
My El Camino is being built to approximate an XKE, since E-Types have gotten too expensive.
No XK engine in them.
Not a real fan of the V12, it does not make more power than the six but is a lot harder to work on.
Recently turned down one of the newer supercharged sport models for free, as it needed a coolant issue resolved.
I have made a real effort to own nothing that needs a computer to run.
Only exceptions are the Geo Metro engines being used in some future builds.
No XK engine in them.
Not a real fan of the V12, it does not make more power than the six but is a lot harder to work on.
Recently turned down one of the newer supercharged sport models for free, as it needed a coolant issue resolved.
I have made a real effort to own nothing that needs a computer to run.
Only exceptions are the Geo Metro engines being used in some future builds.
When I was at Jag I remember the Dash Fascia wood replacements, inboard rear brakes with rotor replacements, and electrical issues. On the XJS the Hess and Eisenhart conversions really were rattle traps. I also remember when a tech had a rag in the intake and forgot about it and fired the engine up. Whoops, new engine time.
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