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New Shop Heat Pump / A/C


Well, as soon as it got cold (dropped into the 30s), I turned on the heat pump only to find it couldn't heat the shop when the temperature dropped below 50° outside. That's a no go for me. I can't deal with the cold. I did some online searching for a low ambient temperature split system and found a 4 ton made by Mr. Cool. Just so happened Rick needed to replace a system for one of his clients, and when I showed him what I was going to buy for the shop he elected to buy the same unit for his client. So he opened an account with the company and ordered 2 of the systems, one for his client and one for me. Mine just got delivered. Thanks Rick, the check should be at your place tomorrow or Friday. It was a pretty damn good deal too.... tax and delivery (liftgate service) included, mine cost $2,780.00 for a 4 ton 15.8 SEER2 heat pump system that can heat down to 5°. That'll work for me.

I pumped down the 3 ton system Rick gave me so I can uninstall it, and I'm giving it to my neighbor who'll use it in his shop (1/2 the size of mine), but he only wanted A/C, so that works out perfectly.


You've got some tall space in there, I suspect you'll need some down flow, maybe a fan every bay forcing that cozy air down to the floor. If I ever built another shop I'd go radiant floor heating. Lots of upfront cost, but it's done, takes up 0 space and is super efficient.
Yep, ceiling fans are in the works, but there's only so much of me to go around, so 1 project at a time. Can't work when it's too cold, my bones hurt bad. Heat doesn't bother me, but the cold is bad on my arthritis.
Good DEAL ! Its going to make it very nice !

I don't have AC in my shop. It does stay pretty nice in the summers in there and can open up the doors for a breeze. We've been installing fans.

Since its been cold recently, I have an "Oil Drip Heater" that we made to use recycled oils in. We use so much in the equipment through the year, we had to find a use for it. It keeps the shop EXTREMELY Warm.
I've got some oil if you want some. Probably 80 gallons or more, and my neighbor has been trying to give me his (says he has two 55 gallon drums worth.

I was going to build a waste oil burner, but I have a hard time cutting a hole in the wall or roof for the vent.
I don’t know if there’s any oil burning furnaces left in my area, I use to give fuel oil away to a cpl guys that burned it in their diesel truck and front end loader
HAHA. I understand. I did as well.

So I compromised and decided to do the side, and in the middle of a sheet. That way if I ever wanted to do anything with that side (Gable Side), I can take the panel of and just replace it, Or take it halfway off and install a door to use the rest of the metal.

My Tote is 330gal that drips in to an old wood burning stove. The pipe goes up on the inside and then out via 45* bends.

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