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Fresh Eggs! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ™‚

Tough to get eggs when fucktard and his cabal killed so many chickens. I reckon it'll take 2 to 3 months to get up to laying speed again. My brother has like 75 laying now and he has roosters breeding to get even more chickens.

Worst case scenario is we have to drive 4 hours round trip to get eggs, My brother has way more eggs than he can use and he's been trading his eggs to other farmers for stuff he wants.
Tough to get eggs when fucktard and his cabal killed so many chickens. I reckon it'll take 2 to 3 months to get up to laying speed again. My brother has like 75 laying now and he has roosters breeding to get even more chickens.

Worst case scenario is we have to drive 4 hours round trip to get eggs, My brother has way more eggs than he can use and he's been trading his eggs to other farmers for stuff he wants.
Yup, usually takes 22 to 26 weeks from hatching to laying. I have never had much luck with the rooster method, last time I had 7 eggs and got 7 roosters, go figure. I have a feed store I use for chicks, $5 each.
Don't get chickens thinking of making money, between the cost of the birds, feed and coop care it is a losing game.
Yup, usually takes 22 to 26 weeks from hatching to laying. I have never had much luck with the rooster method, last time I had 7 eggs and got 7 roosters, go figure. I have a feed store I use for chicks, $5 each.
Don't get chickens thinking of making money, between the cost of the birds, feed and coop care it is a losing game.

Agreed. That's why I won't raise chickens. My brother does it and we hear all the shit he has to do and want no part of it. Lately he's been trading chicks he raises for pork (whole pigs), and the neighbor he trades with butchers and carves them for him.

We are starting to get low on beef, so we'll be buying another 1/2 cow from him and we'll get more eggs then. We eat pork loin (after I smoke it) and bacon, so we'll start getting that from him now too.
Iā€™m drooling lol, I had to stop eating meat till I find out whatā€™s going on with my pancreas, it isnā€™t making enough enzymes to digest animal fat so everything was going straight through me, GI dr said I should stop Googling my symptoms well he was No help at all yet and Googling helped me figure out how to start feeling better, canā€™t wait to start eating meat again, Iā€™m going to BBQ a cow and eat it All by myself šŸ˜†
Iā€™m drooling lol, I had to stop eating meat till I find out whatā€™s going on with my pancreas, it isnā€™t making enough enzymes to digest animal fat so everything was going straight through me, GI dr said I should stop Googling my symptoms well he was No help at all yet and Googling helped me figure out how to start feeling better, canā€™t wait to start eating meat again, Iā€™m going to BBQ a cow and eat it All by myself šŸ˜†
Did you try the ivermectin yet ? It is excellent at reducing inflammation in the body.
Here is what I found googling "ivermectin and pancreatis"

Did you try the ivermectin yet ? It is excellent at reducing inflammation in the body.
Here is what I found googling "ivermectin and pancreatis"

I havenā€™t bought any yet, want to see what the GI dr has to say, I did have to give 9 vials of stool samples and 3 were for testing for parasites & Ova ( had to look Ova up) parasite larva šŸ˜³šŸ¤® dr said since I first started seeing him in late 2015 Iā€™ve lost 34 lbs, I use to average 168, I gained a little back after he diagnosed me with celiac disease so I stopped drinking Bud (he said No alcohol, also have cirrhosis) and quit wheat& gluten, gained about 10-12 lbs back but since getting sick in Oct from what I thought was gluten in new meds Iā€™ve lost 14lbs so in early Dec our pharmacist said ā€œYou have something else wrong with youā€ thatā€™s when I started Googling symptoms and figured itā€™s pancreas related, stopped eating any fatty meats even Samā€™s club rotisserie chicken and I Love eating those birds šŸ˜ but I feel better, had diarrhea for almost 2.5 months and turned way too much work šŸ˜–
Did you try the ivermectin yet ? It is excellent at reducing inflammation in the body.

I just ordered some today, and will try it when it shows up. Inflammation is a big part of the reason I decided to give it a shot. I've been having trouble with inflammation in my right shoulder and rotator cuff for years.

No big expectations for that purpose, but I was already thinking I should try it before and hearing that it helps with inflammation was one more reason to go ahead and do it.
I just ordered some today, and will try it when it shows up. Inflammation is a big part of the reason I decided to give it a shot. I've been having trouble with inflammation in my right shoulder and rotator cuff for years.

No big expectations for that purpose, but I was already thinking I should try it before and hearing that it helps with inflammation was one more reason to go ahead and do it.
Just went to the Dr today for my shoulder, got a Cortizone shot and some pills for a week, worked for my left shoulder.
Iā€™m going to go ahead and order some Ivermectine, I was worried it might collide with whatever doc wants to give me but WTH
I just ordered some today, and will try it when it shows up. Inflammation is a big part of the reason I decided to give it a shot. I've been having trouble with inflammation in my right shoulder and rotator cuff for years.

No big expectations for that purpose, but I was already thinking I should try it before and hearing that it helps with inflammation was one more reason to go ahead and do it.
They do prescribe hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for rheumatoid arthritis if you order from that overseas pharmacy.
It's good to take these every now and then just for prevention and maintenance. (y)
If you wait for a Dr to recommend it you'll be dead first LOL
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They do prescribe hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for rheumatoid arthritis if you order from that overseas pharmacy.
It's good to take these every now and then just for prevention and maintenance. (y)
If you wait for a Dr to recommend it you'll be dead first LOL
Hey Beth would you mind posting the link for Ivermectin? I havenā€™t heard anything from my GI dr so Iā€™m going to start taking it and let him either Catch up to my needs or tell me to take a Hike, either way Iā€™m tired of waiting on the doc
Iā€™m going to go ahead and order some Ivermectine, I was worried it might collide with whatever doc wants to give me but WTH
It's far safer than tylenol. Here's a list of drug interactions and nothing is listed as a major problem.

Hey Beth would you mind posting the link for Ivermectin? I havenā€™t heard anything from my GI dr so Iā€™m going to start taking it and let him either Catch up to my needs or tell me to take a Hike, either way Iā€™m tired of waiting on the doc
I would buy the paste from Amazon. You might find yourself pawing the ground when you count numbers. :)
There are about 5 doses in one tube so get more than one. One dose each day at bedtime is what I'd do.

Or you can order the 12 mg pills at https://buyivermectin24.com/
but that takes a minimum of 2 weeks
Saw this under the Amazon reviews :
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