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Do I really need to remove the front fender to get the door hinges set?


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My driver door suddenly started opening and closing hard (it doesn't want to click the latch in all the way). It was working fine before yesterday. So, I pulled the door off and discovered that the lower hinge had a crack in it (small, so I don't know if it was the issue or not). I had another hinge on hand and swapped it out, but I truly suck at getting the door aligned.

I really don't want to have to pull the fender if I can avoid it, but I will if it will make things work. Is there a way to use measurements/angles to get close, then fine tune it with the fender on? Give some guidance. Thanks.
My driver door suddenly started opening and closing hard (it doesn't want to click the latch in all the way). It was working fine before yesterday. So, I pulled the door off and discovered that the lower hinge had a crack in it (small, so I don't know if it was the issue or not). I had another hinge on hand and swapped it out, but I truly suck at getting the door aligned.

I really don't want to have to pull the fender if I can avoid it, but I will if it will make things work. Is there a way to use measurements/angles to get close, then fine tune it with the fender on? Give some guidance. Thanks.
Unfortunately the 3 bolts are blocked by the fender. If you pull the fender, keep the door closed and replace the hinge it should stay in alignment.
Unfortunately the 3 bolts are blocked by the fender. If you pull the fender, keep the door closed and replace the hinge it should stay in alignment.

The door is already removed. I got it decent before with the fender on, but today it just isn't going to happen. I truly hate the way these cars are designed in that area. They should have figured out something better.
Fender off is the easiest way, and yep, go that far and it's stupid not to replace the pins and bushings. Sooner or later you'll be doing that, so might as well do it now.
The door is already removed. I got it decent before with the fender on, but today it just isn't going to happen. I truly hate the way these cars are designed in that area. They should have figured out something better.
It is a heavy door, IDK another way it could have been done. IIRC when I had my doors off I sent the hinges out to be rebuilt at hoodhingerepair.com
I've done this several times with the fender on. A gear wrench is your friend. I've even reached deep in this cavity to install the backer nuts on SS396 fender emblems on a '69......much less doable, but doable.
It is a heavy door, IDK another way it could have been done. IIRC when I had my doors off I sent the hinges out to be rebuilt at hoodhingerepair.com

I actually use a motorcycle jack with a couple of padded 2x4s & ratchet straps to hold the door. It works pretty well. I ended up pulling the fender and got it done. The alignment still isn't great, but at least it opens and closes easily. The other bonus is that this lower hinge will actually hold the door open. The crack in the other one was a lot bigger on the inside where I couldn't see it.

Needless to say, my lower back is pretty sore right now. I will have to get adjusted tomorrow (today is my regular day, but I was working on the car, so no dice).
I was going to say I did my 76 T/A door pin bushings with a hydraulic M/C lift back in the early/mid 80’s but I know it’s not an A body, I used rope didn’t have a ratchet strap, I was also going to offer a hinge since I have a cpl laying around somewhere in the garage that were extras that came with our 68, glad you got it done and your back will forgive you after Yelling at you 👍🙂
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