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Thread Sealant


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I'm back with thread sealant leaks lol, I recently found out about Gasoila from a gas station repairman so I ordered some for a problem leak I had and didn't realize I had a Non NPT fitting in the pressure regulator, didn't even know they made a fitting with AN on 1 side and Non NPT on other, so now other leaks are springing where I used Red High Tack, I pulled 1 fitting apart and the Red stuff looks like bubble gum that was in the sun, kind that gets stuck to your shoe and is a pita to get off but dont seal worth a darn, I need to figure out how to post a pic but Never try to use red High Tack for fuel fittings
Shovelrick said:
I'm back with thread sealant leaks lol, I recently found out about Gasoila from a gas station repairman so I ordered some for a problem leak I had and didn't realize I had a Non NPT fitting in the pressure regulator, didn't even know they made a fitting with AN on 1 side and Non NPT on other, so now other leaks are springing where I used Red High Tack, I pulled 1 fitting apart and the Red stuff looks like bubble gum that was in the sun, kind that gets stuck to your shoe and is a pita to get off but dont seal worth a darn, I need to figure out how to post a pic but Never try to use red High Tack for fuel fittings

Try the tape Rick, I swear it works great.
I already have the Gasoila (Who comes up with these names? LOL) and so far it's been working very good but I am picking some Gasoline rated tape too
They were probably drinking or smoking dope and it sounded good at the time.
Hey Rick,

Do I need that stuff on the flared fittings for the lines to my 780 Holley on my L78 build? Something else to remember when I have my builder assemble the engine I suppose.


Flared end fittings shouldn't have anything on them, the way I see it as long as the flare is done properly it'll seat in the mating surface without any sealant that could cause a leak, I do use a sealant name of Nylog Blue on Mini Split (Ductless) A/C unit fittings but it's designed for it and made from refrigerant, gas, brake or trans lines I wouldn't use anything
If I have a fuel leak I use the Permatex sticky thread sealer, been using it since the 90's when GM sold it under the Mr. Goodwrench brand.
Yes, I have used it on fuel and other fluid fittings, mostly head bolts though.
I used SS brake lines when I replaced all the lines on my 68 and what a PITA getting the flares to seal, I kept seating, loosen then reseat, It would have been great using something on those
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