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Dent and Body Puller


I've been looking into getting a setup like this to pull out some dents and creases from the Olds Starfire because you can't buy body panels for it, and I've always tried to repair what was there vs just buying new (when I could).

I don't want to do it the old fashioned way with a traditional dent puller as I know it'll cause more damage and I'd like to reduce any use of body filler.

Here are pics of one of the areas I need to fix:

Is that similar to the paintless dent repair?

Yes, but these do a spot weld to the body panel so you have better pulling power. I don't want to buy that full kit, just something similar. I think I've found the bits and pieces to make my own set, but still have to investigate more.
I’ve used the stud welder. Worked good. I do like the one you posted with the video.

I'm trying to piece together exactly what I'm looking for without buying an entire setup that costs thousands..... I'm old school so I used the old dent pullers, but the newer ones leave very little damage to the skin and that's what I like.
They have a stud welder that uses weld on rings. They’ve got an oval shape so that a bar can slide through all of them. Then there’s an adjustable bridge that you can crank up manually to bring it all flush. I’ve get a Corvair project going on with my youngest son. I did a lot of research on it.

We’ve decided to scrap the car we were going to try to fix. Similar damage on the other side too. I’m picking up another carcass on Friday.037FC2D3-B73C-443E-8916-4941CEBC3F69.jpeg
They have a stud welder that uses weld on rings. They’ve got an oval shape so that a bar can slide through all of them. Then there’s an adjustable bridge that you can crank up manually to bring it all flush. I’ve get a Corvair project going on with my youngest son. I did a lot of research on it.

We’ve decided to scrap the car we were going to try to fix. Similar damage on the other side too. I’m picking up another carcass on Friday.View attachment 1352

That's exactly the setup I'm talking about. I've found some of the tools and rings so far, but I just want to buy what I need, not an entire setup. You can't buy any of the body panels anymore, so I have to fix these, although they aren't bad at all, but I'm a perfectionist when trying to line the body panels, and if it's off even a hair, it'll bug me to no end. It's an OCD thing.
Okay, I found what I wanted and here's what I bought:

They have a stud welder that uses weld on rings. They’ve got an oval shape so that a bar can slide through all of them. Then there’s an adjustable bridge that you can crank up manually to bring it all flush. I’ve get a Corvair project going on with my youngest son. I did a lot of research on it.

We’ve decided to scrap the car we were going to try to fix. Similar damage on the other side too. I’m picking up another carcass on Friday.View attachment 1352

So I'm assuming you're going to pull some of the parts from the current Corvair and build the best out of 2?
Yes, the second car we bought has a great body with wonderful patina but is missing critical parts (pic below). We're going to make a patina rod out of that one.

We are on the threshold of buying a 3rd, that needs the rear part of the left quarter off the gold car. It's a holy grail car a 140HP Corsa model with 4 speed.IMG_3579.jpg
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