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Paint Correcting and Buffing


Did Raven get on here?

So there is this guy (below) on YouTube I follow. I want to start getting into this just for myself.

It looks like 3D AAT 501 and its polish is about the best across the board. Next would be their 400 combo cutter and polish.

Anyone do this on their own? I guess I'm looking at about $160 for the polisher. What's the best cutting and polishing pads?

I can't be any help on your source or those products. All I can offer is I personally use presta cutting creme and swirl remover. They work well, and I use 2 different wool pads, the white for cutting, the yellow for swirl remover. Then, if necessary, I use a foam pad with polish. My problem is not cleaning well enough and letting it evaporate between steps. You can miss the "haze" by rushing this process. It'll come back later and you'll have to repeat the process. The products I use are recommended by a number of pros, but there always seem to be new stuff and that one dude that says his is far superior.
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