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1971 front bumper reinforcement bracket


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Senior Member
A while ago I noticed that these brackets were not in contact with anything in the front bumper area. I just ordered new rubber for them. Some places are calling them bumper reinforcement brackets, but it looks like they should make contact with the fander in that area. Can anyone confirm if these are supposed to be in constant contact with the fender, or if they are supposed to have a gap (like they do now)?


The front end has not been apart that I know of. It was never involved in any collisions (I grew up in this car - mom bought it new in 1971).
When I rebuilt my 70 front end, those were that last I adjusted. Bumper and brackets tight. Then snugged up those bumpers. Its my understanding that those were for the old jacking system. When you used the old ratchet jacks, they have that 'J hook' that went under the bumper. When jacking, the bumper would rise under the weight of the car. Those bumper were used to snug up the bumper so when using the original jacks the bumper didn't shift up and damage the grill or fenders. Now days though, most of us don't use those jacks since using floor jacks under frames or crossmembers and lifts. Shoot, I don't even carry a spare or jack anymore. Id call AAA or my local rollback and take back to my shop. If I did have to take something, scissor jack and I'm good.

So Id say, if you don't use your bumpers to jack your car. leave them below the body 1/8" - 1/4" or not installed at all. I purely left mine just because they were supposed to be there.
When I rebuilt my 70 front end, those were that last I adjusted. Bumper and brackets tight. Then snugged up those bumpers. Its my understanding that those were for the old jacking system. When you used the old ratchet jacks, they have that 'J hook' that went under the bumper. When jacking, the bumper would rise under the weight of the car. Those bumper were used to snug up the bumper so when using the original jacks the bumper didn't shift up and damage the grill or fenders. Now days though, most of us don't use those jacks since using floor jacks under frames or crossmembers and lifts. Shoot, I don't even carry a spare or jack anymore. Id call AAA or my local rollback and take back to my shop. If I did have to take something, scissor jack and I'm good.

So Id say, if you don't use your bumpers to jack your car. leave them below the body 1/8" - 1/4" or not installed at all. I purely left mine just because they were supposed to be there.
I have used a bumper jack more than I care to admit.
The front end has not been apart that I know of. It was never involved in any collisions (I grew up in this car - mom bought it new in 1971).
If it has never been apart than I would go with where the bracket is placed. Take a lot of pictures, trust me, you will need them.
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