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670 HP 811 ftlbs 187 lbs weight engine

People keep creating more powerful motors that are super lightweight..... quit that and work on battery technology that lasts.
People keep creating more powerful motors that are super lightweight..... quit that and work on battery technology that lasts.
Actually the issue with motors are their inability to run with much continuous output power. They can only go full out for perhaps 20 seconds then the over temperature monitor starts lowering the output to prevent burn out. Liquid cooling is in the works.

Batteries are also an issue. It is being worked on, a lot. The people below are an example. Twice the energy density of current Li-ion but Elon, Panasonic et. al. would need to change their manufacturing process. I suspect that when the investment they already have in their battery factories has been paid back we will see these come to the fore.

You can also see why there would be a path away from ICE engines. Less parts and material, lower cost solutions. The electrical grid issue, both generation and distribution, still have to be solved though to make the fully electric transportation work for everyone.
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