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Kevin Hart's Muscle Car Crew

He's just a typical Hollywood actor who is mostly surrounded by libs and has a distorted view of reality.
He doesn't talk politics on his show and I like that he is trying to make a car show that's fun to watch.
And it has lots of Chevys.
Kmaker : Aren't you retiring on the 20th?

Yes I did ! No turning back now !
Except he tried to sue the builder of the Cuda he wrecked for not having modern day airbags and stupid shit like that because neither he or his loser buddies can drive or handle a 700 HP car. That's why he's a tool so fuck him.
Except he tried to sue the builder of the Cuda he wrecked for not having modern day airbags and stupid shit like that because neither he or his loser buddies can drive or handle a 700 HP car. That's why he's a tool so fuck him.
Wow that's not good !
I thought he was more of a Mopar guy? I use to absolutely Love Mopars...Till I kept blowing the engines up so switched to Chevy....And quit over revving :rolleyes:
I thought he was more of a Mopar guy? I use to absolutely Love Mopars...Till I kept blowing the engines up so switched to Chevy....And quit over revving :rolleyes:
He was driving a really nice 65 Mustang convertible in some episodes. I think he likes em all :)
I like Chevys and Fords. Always thought Chrysler interiors looked cheap
I had a Blue blk vinyl top & int 71 Cuda 383 magnum pistol grip 4 spd console that was beautiful back around 79-80, sold it for $75 after I messed it up and had a very bad rod knock, did the same thing to a 69 Roadrunner 383 4 spd sold it for $35 but I had wrecked the front end up but still drivable
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