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You guys ever hear of this game when you were a kid


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I was driving along to the store last week and found an old Hot Shot Hockey game form the 60's in the box with all the little players with it. Thought it was pretty cool as we had one when I was 6 years old. I used to paly that game with my older brother.
Oh yeah, we had one when I was kid too. And, I played with my 2 older brothers.
Of coarse, being the runt I got push aside a lot. :whistle:
Also had that stupid football game where the guys just randomly vibrated all over the board.
I never played with it.
Did you have the metal one where you could bend the blades? Can't remember the team Leafs & Canadians I think.
Neighbor's kids had that vibrating football game. It was ok. They also had a Pachinko Machine. We found out those steel balls fly great out of a Wrist Rocket.
His mom thought all the balls got lost & bought us more. Boy's will be boy's.
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