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Old Chevelles

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Used car prices

My wife just turned in her leased Lincoln Nautilus. KBB said it was worth $43K.
Lincoln dealer wrote her for $40K. Lease buy out was $32K. If she brought it to any other dealer, she would have had to pay the tax to sell it to them.
Because it went back to a Lincoln dealer, she didn't.
Now, she`s a proud "owner" of $70K 2022 GMC Denali pick up. Been trying for years to convince her not to lease.
I think this is part of the reason even our cars are going up in price. New car Dealers are upping prices because of low inventories and seeing what the market will bare. They say some used cars with like 20k miles on them are costing more than when they were new. I'm always looking on Ebay especially at 66 & 67 Chevelles. They just seem to be going up and up. Vanguard Motors seems to get Chevelles in and they set a price around $89,000, the next one they get in is $99,000 and now they just put a 66 Chevelle up for $109,000. I don't know what they're selling them for but if you check their inventory some of the cars are no longer listed.
I dont typically look to see what Chevelles are going for but when I do I check out Smokey Mountain Traders……for some reason….
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