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JEGs Performance Sold.


Just read this article below about Jegs being sold. I preferred Summit to Jegs anyway as Summit seemed to have what I needed and more of a selection. We all know the current supply issue but last I was on Jegs site a few weeks ago, it seemed like they were out of everything. I would assume like everything else getting bought, their product support will be going down hill.

Greenbriar also owns:
Par for the course. Lots of businesses are selling out these days to walk away from the headaches and I don't blame them.
I always preferred Summit Racing also. I liked their website better & super-fast shipping to my door. The fastest any company has shipped to me.
In the Harley world JP Cycles was the holy grail for family run mail order aftermarket parts with a printed catalog as thick as a 1971 Sears catalog.
Conglamorate bought them a few years ago and the whole business model changed for the worst. Now they have sales fliers smaller than a grocery store flier in the Sunday paper.
I hope Jegs the best but the bean counters will drive it into the ground i am afraid.
I tend to favor Summit, but hate to see Jeg's gone or not in the hands of the Coughlins.


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M’eh! Private equity sucks. Bunch of excitable financial analysts who never seem to grasp what makes a business great.
In the beginning I used to buy my parts from local speed shops. I remember the first time I bought something through a mail order company it was a FlowMaster Exhaust Kit. I couldn't believe the price it cost compared to buying local and how fast you could get the parts too. I dealt with either Jegs or Summit from that point on when I needed parts unless it was something small I knew the local speed shop would have in stock at the store. Towards the end of getting my car done I was pretty much buying from Summit only. It's still hard to see a big aftermarket parts seller like Jeg's being sold to a big equity company.
I bought from Jegs a couple of times and Summit. Since I do not race I don't go to either one much.

It is getting harder to find specialty parts, Chevelle parts are easy to find, my "mutt" cars not so much like an 05 Pontiac Vibe AWD, pick and pulls are my friend.
I always preferred Summit Racing also. I liked their website better & super-fast shipping to my door. The fastest any company has shipped to me.
I never liked JEGs website. For some reason, that site always lagged or pages loading ran slow. it just felt clunky. Shipping was always off when I did order, but as I stated before, they haven't had ANYTHING I needed in stock for the past year.

I do miss the old speed shops as most of you do. I'm sure we all understand that parts storage became to costly and cumbersome, too many parts, and couldn't compete with 2 day shipping. I also miss cruise nights or the one main hangout and drag road.
I never liked JEGs website. For some reason, that site always lagged or pages loading ran slow. it just felt clunky. Shipping was always off when I did order, but as I stated before, they haven't had ANYTHING I needed in stock for the past year.

I do miss the old speed shops as most of you do. I'm sure we all understand that parts storage became to costly and cumbersome, too many parts, and couldn't compete with 2 day shipping. I also miss cruise nights or the one main hangout and drag road.
Chevelle stores are the same way. I like Malibu stuff but Chevelle Stores are geared towards the SS. When I would walk into a store when I had my 69 their eyes glazed over when I said 4 door. Again, I am fortunate to have 3 Chevelle stores nearby and I can avoid shipping fees.
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