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Auto Parts Prices


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I have needed a couple of parts for my Excursion. Would you believe that OEM dealer parts are cheaper than aftermarket parts? From OReilly Auto Parts Gates Belt Pulley $54.99. I paid $47 at the dealer for Motorcraft. Wiper blades $30 each, dealer $13. Pricing makes no sense!
That's whacked. I just ordered 2 rear wheel cylinders for the Starfire from Parts Geek and it was cheaper than buying from OReilly's, by more than 50%
Do you think its due to the individual shipping of single parts? This would drive up the costs.

Some places are not keeping stocked shelves. Maybe because it cost less to ship it to a store that is requesting a part from the main warehouse, rather than shipping them individually from store to store.
When I tried to order parts from OReilly's before, they told me they can't get most parts and are shipping them between stores because even the warehouse stock is out. Not sure how that fits into the cost but that was from OReilly's, but when ordering from an online source, I suspect they have many warehouses providing the same parts, so they go with availability trying to keep the cost down to make the sale. That's just speculation on my part, but it certainly seems feasible.
Stupid stuff like wiper blades are hard to find. I am finding specialty stores are the best source for items. Advance and OReillys are danged expensive now. Oil is cheapest at WalMart
Last time I bought wiper blades from OReilly's (I'm guessing 6 to 8 months ago) it was $140 for 5 wiper blades. 2 for the Ranger windshield, and 3 for the Escape (2 for the windshield and 1 for the back hatch).
Last time I bought wiper blades from OReilly's (I'm guessing 6 to 8 months ago) it was $140 for 5 wiper blades. 2 for the Ranger windshield, and 3 for the Escape (2 for the windshield and 1 for the back hatch).
I am too cheap to pay that. When I was young I paid $3 for refills.
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