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Shelf Life Of A Keg Of Beer?


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Senior Member
My daughter's boyfriend is cleaning out the parts dept of his dealership, and found a keg of beer, never tapped. Its about 3 years old, any guesses if its any good or not?
Hi Von, good to see you in the house!

Divvying it up sounds good. How would you send it?
Shake it up and then open it, if the beer sprays out everywhere you know it's still good.
If it has gone stale you just put on a fedora, tell people it's a local microbrew with limited availability, and double the price.
People will pay a lot of money to drink crap beer from people with fedoras.

Modern problems require modern solutions. ;)
I guess I'd put it in an empty plastic soda pop bottle, seal it up, put that in a padded box and ship it. Would be costly but hey, we're worth it aren't we?😌
I don't drink any alcohol at all anymore. Last bit of liquor I had was at my Dad's funeral 15 years ago. I only drink plain ole water, vitamin water, and gatorade (no soda or anything else).
Well, I emptied out so a friend could have it and lets just say that what was in there as no longer beer. Skunky does not begin to describe it. But I bet it makes the grass grow!
I remember when we were 16 my friends and I were given a half keg of stale beer. We tapped it and drank it. It tasted like strong wine or something. Hey, we were 16, and it was free beer....
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