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Am I weird or……

Unfortunately my Chevelle isn't drivable in its current state, so I have no choice but to wrench. I understand what you're saying though.:)
Yes It gets expensive ! But I also enjoy the wrenching aspect. Though I don't miss the restoration part. Just the wrenching and driving. With helping the kids ( they're married but I still work on their cars and trucks) there is always something to work on. Brakes, oil changes, hitch installs, the occasional lift kit... . Though when my buddies need help, nothing but the finest parts ! I love spending others money ! Maybe I should be a Democrat !
Lol I’m the same way. But have found I don’t mess with the Chevelle if I have another project to do. Built a 64 f100 on a 2011 PI frame a few years ago was the last bigger project. Before that I bought and sold a 1991 Nissan 300zx that car was super clean but engine was shaking misfire at a auction picked it up real cheap it had 1 bad fuel injector and ran great afterwards. Next was
a Mazda rx8 that the kid said it wouldn’t run and sat a year he thought the engine was blown. Found the MAF sensor was completely covered in dust cleaned it and that car fired right up. My sons 1999 ram we purchased from a mechanic that couldn’t get the truck to start and idle unless he cracked the throttle body. It had 100k on the odometer and dash was gone lol. Paid $700 for it. My son thought I was crazy when I told him I knew what was wrong with it. Got it home and pulled the IAC out and it was gummed up and stuck. Ordered a new one truck runs really good he drives it to school everyday.

A couple days ago I found a 2013 Dodge Dart for $1000 not running that I’m thinking I’d like to fix and sell. Guy states the Turbo is blown per dealer it doesn’t make boost in 2-3 gear but it has boost in 1st.. that just doesn’t make sense to me.

I built a couple firearms from the kits you can order online also so far I’ve built a Uzi and a Galil. I have 2 Cetme’s to build next just waiting for barrels to be restocked.
Does anyone sometimes also feel like they want to just wrench more than they drive? Lately I am overcome by a desire to just keep doing crap to my cars and when I finish a project I’m looking or scheming for the next project 😫

it’s getting expensive lol
I admit my satisfaction is in doing the work. I'm less about cruising or showing. I like going to shows, but not as a participant.

Look at my ID photo. I'm anxious to get started restoring my Corvair Greenbrier, especially because one sold at Mecum Kissimmee for $65K. That just means I can justify spending good money on it.
I admit my satisfaction is in doing the work. I'm less about cruising or showing. I like going to shows, but not as a participant.

Look at my ID photo. I'm anxious to get started restoring my Corvair Greenbrier, especially because one sold at Mecum Kissimmee for $65K. That just means I can justify spending good money on it.

Huh.... and I thought I was the odd one..... Cruising is ok, but not my cup of tea so to speak. I'm more about building and refinishing. That's my sweet spot and I enjoy looking at the finished product, then on to the next one.

Sorry if it sounds weird, but to me it's just a car. I fix 'em, and then sell 'em (after a few test rides of course). More of an investment and money maker to me and keeps me from getting in any other trouble.
Lol I’m the same way. But have found I don’t mess with the Chevelle if I have another project to do. Built a 64 f100 on a 2011 PI frame a few years ago was the last bigger project. Before that I bought and sold a 1991 Nissan 300zx that car was super clean but engine was shaking misfire at a auction picked it up real cheap it had 1 bad fuel injector and ran great afterwards. Next was
a Mazda rx8 that the kid said it wouldn’t run and sat a year he thought the engine was blown. Found the MAF sensor was completely covered in dust cleaned it and that car fired right up. My sons 1999 ram we purchased from a mechanic that couldn’t get the truck to start and idle unless he cracked the throttle body. It had 100k on the odometer and dash was gone lol. Paid $700 for it. My son thought I was crazy when I told him I knew what was wrong with it. Got it home and pulled the IAC out and it was gummed up and stuck. Ordered a new one truck runs really good he drives it to school everyday.

A couple days ago I found a 2013 Dodge Dart for $1000 not running that I’m thinking I’d like to fix and sell. Guy states the Turbo is blown per dealer it doesn’t make boost in 2-3 gear but it has boost in 1st.. that just doesn’t make sense to me.

I built a couple firearms from the kits you can order online also so far I’ve built a Uzi and a Galil. I have 2 Cetme’s to build next just waiting for barrels to be restocked.
Nice!!! Yep, sounds just like me! My dream is to have a barn and just a few projects going but the space is killing me. I have my fox body and my 66 camino, blessed with a 3 car garage but the third bay is full of totes, ammo reloading cleaning crap, tools, etc. One day!
Huh.... and I thought I was the odd one..... Cruising is ok, but not my cup of tea so to speak. I'm more about building and refinishing. That's my sweet spot and I enjoy looking at the finished product, then on to the next one.

Sorry if it sounds weird, but to me it's just a car. I fix 'em, and then sell 'em (after a few test rides of course). More of an investment and money maker to me and keeps me from getting in any other trouble.
Man, everytime I buy a car and then sell it I always end up losing money or breaking even, I need to rethink my ways hahah. There has never been a car or firearm I did not regret selling!!
I can't stand a car sitting around not being usable. My neighbor must have 30 cars at his place, many run, many do not. It doesn't look like a junkyard but more keep coming in. He has some nice ones too, a Bandit, 68 Chevell, 68 Firebird, 69 Camaro, and about a half a dozen square bodies.
man he must have some cash!

but yea that is too much, I do not mind a few projects but with so manyh I think you would just lose hope and interest at some point
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