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Engine Oil


Shop Foreman
I need to buy enough oil for 2 oil changes in my diesel, about 30 quarts. I like Chevron Delo 5W-40 but man is it hard to find. I think OReilly's will be my best bet having it delivered. Walmart is out of almost all brands of 5W-40 as is Amazon.

I am considering if I need to change over to Mobil One 5w-40 or Valvoline Blue as Chevron has the oil listed on a search but not in their product offering front page list.

Diesel oil seems to be Gold nowadays.
I'm a big Rotella fan for my Diesel so it get 15W-40. I'm a fan of Diesel oil in most engines anyway. Especially dirt bikes, 4wheelers and gokarts that share engine oil with the trans.
I'm a big Rotella fan for my Diesel so it get 15W-40. I'm a fan of Diesel oil in most engines anyway. Especially dirt bikes, 4wheelers and gokarts that share engine oil with the trans.
My engine does not run as smooth on Rotella T6, IDK what it is.

I run diesel oil on my lawn equipment and older engines, good vitamins in that stuff.
My engine does not run as smooth on Rotella T6, IDK what it is.

I run diesel oil on my lawn equipment and older engines, good vitamins in that stuff.

Odd, I ran Rotella in my 7.3 and my 6.0 and they ran great. I changed them every 5k miles and never had an issue.
I ran Rotella T6 for many miles, engine always seemed louder at 4-5000 miles Switched to Delo and runs smoother close to oil change time. I am a religious 5000 mile oil change person.
I ran Rotella T6 for many miles, engine always seemed louder at 4-5000 miles Switched to Delo and runs smoother close to oil change time. I am a religious 5000 mile oil change person.

I guess I never noticed, but I never got to 5k miles ever. Never wanted to destroy the engines, so they were changed between 4,500 and 4,800. Lisa says I was too OCD about it, but never had a problem (except those pesky 6.0 bolts that stretched).
I guess I never noticed, but I never got to 5k miles ever. Never wanted to destroy the engines, so they were changed between 4,500 and 4,800. Lisa says I was too OCD about it, but never had a problem (except those pesky 6.0 bolts that stretched).
I am too. 5,000 is my limit. I am looking at taking what I need to change the oil at a campground on the way back from Yellowstone, super easy on that truck. I really don't feel like tieing it up at a shop to have it done or paying their prices. Plus I don't trust just anyone messing with it.
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