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Repairing a Hyundai Sonata


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So my Son has a 2015 Sonata with 37K on it and it's been the best car until this week. After changing the oil, filter and tire rotation last week, the other day the car spit out a P0010 camshaft sensor failure code. I looked on line and it's a job that a little involved but not beyond my capabilities as a former tech. I pull all the mounts down and take the cam sensor and cover off and it's filled with oil like I thought it would be but the thing that surprised me the most was the seal was laying in the bottom inside of the cover. Seems the old seal is made of a different material and they Hyundai redesigned it as to me the oil pressure just pushes the seal right out. I personally think it should be a recall as his car had one for this code before it was sold and all the techs do is re-seat the seal. I told him if it fails a 2nd time I am going to put a small frost plug in there with sealer around it and that's not coming out. Car is fixed and it only cost him $75 not the $700 that most pay going to the dealer. I am going to send an email no NTSA about this as the high idle could be a problem for people in cold snow weather. Seems what I read on like there are a ton of these cars with this failure.
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