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What was your 1st BBC you owned?


Veteran Member
Senior Member
My 1st. BBC was a 390hp/427 that I put in my Dad's old car.
My 2nd was a 396 in a '66 Caprice
My 3rd BBC was in my old '69 SS 396 Chevelle 4 speed car
My 4th BBC was a 375hp/396 '70 Nova
My first was a 396-325 hp that came in my 66 SS396 bought in 1976.
In 1983, I built a 427 with 750 Holley and small Erson cam with rhodes lifters.
It was probably 400 hp but it seemed very fast. :)
Early 70's Impala with a 402 then I went to the Dark Side of Ford & Mopar a couple yrs then mid 80's a 70 LS5 built to about 525 hp that I put in my 73 Elky then fast forward to 10ish yrs ago the 454 I put in our Malibu.then the current 489
I have had over a dozen 396's in my lifetime, inc. 2 375hp/396's. Most of the ones we bought were from a junkyard buddy when he junked cars and the engines were like $75 bucks back then.
Early 80s 65 GTO that I took a SBC 327 out of and put in a 70 GTO 400 ci with 400hp / Headers & Full Exhaust
3.55 RearGears and a TH400 // it did the 1/4 in 13:30 et at 99mph on Street Tires
The GTO convertible clone sitting in my garage presently that my brother gave me (he didn't want to put any more money into it). It originally had a 350, but now it has a 461 (.30 over 455).
Stunning engine bay there Mike. As a kid I hated seeing all those hoses, just wanted to see an engine with a fuel line. Now, everything just looks cool, even a snorkelled air cleaner.
My first bbc was also my blue '69 conv, L34 in '96 or so, it later multiplied into a half dozen or so. This being top dog, 468, brodix, 871.


  • 468 871.jpg
    468 871.jpg
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Stunning engine bay there Mike. As a kid I hated seeing all those hoses, just wanted to see an engine with a fuel line. Now, everything just looks cool, even a snorkelled air cleaner.
My first bbc was also my blue '69 conv, L34 in '96 or so, it later multiplied into a half dozen or so. This being top dog, 468, brodix, 871.
If I can get up enough ambition, I'll have another one of those, 432/6-71. I just miss that sound.
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