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40+ MPG in a ‘70’s Maverick with a 302 (5L) and no OD at 70+ MPH.

Alan F

Senior Member
I had seen this video series floating around my YouTube feed for the last week or so. At the time I thought: “Yeah right!” It was the most fascinating automotive experiment I have ever witnessed. The guy is smart and talented and I love that he started the project as an April Fools joke.

Listen very carefully when he explains why he thinks the lawnmower carburetor is going to be rich at speed. I didn’t know that I agreed but thought of what was needed to make it work. Minutes later, he demonstrates his invention to address the issue.

There are 3 videos in this series and is definitely worth the time to watch. Even if he had the 302 set up perfectly with the 390 Holley and drove it like an egg was between his foot and the gas pedal, I doubt he could get 20-22MPG. He gets double that! I am just blown away by his accomplishment. And it’s full of tech information too.
Luke "Thunderhead289" Is a carb guru, this whole experiment started as an April Fools joke. I subscribe to his YouTube Channel and he is a true inventor.

BTW that POS Maverick was bought for parts and it has been his daily driver. I think his plan is to take it on PowerTour with the lawnmower carb.
He can try to BS people with this one, but it's nice that he tried it. I noticed the "donate" to him in the comment section to pay for his little things he makes. You will not IMO be able to smoke the tires like that with a V8 engine and tiny tiny cab like that. In the 60's we had engine with tiny little carbs on them and no mater where you jetted them the car was a pig. I would want a ride in that car seeing the carb on the myself before I will believe something like this.
He can try to BS people with this one, but it's nice that he tried it. I noticed the "donate" to him in the comment section to pay for his little things he makes. You will not IMO be able to smoke the tires like that with a V8 engine and tiny tiny cab like that. In the 60's we had engine with tiny little carbs on them and no mater where you jetted them the car was a pig. I would want a ride in that car seeing the carb on the myself before I will believe something like this.
His intro is the smoking tires when he had a 4 bbl on the Mavrick

All you tubers have patreon accounts

If you noticed the thing ran like crap when he turned off the computer adjustments.

I don't doubt it can be done, after all 4 cyl engines of the past were slow and low HP, now look at them. Lok at the new V-8s, they crush stock Chevelle Big Blocks.
Knowing that the VE of IC engines is suboptimal to begin with, and him not having to worry about drivability issues in his pursuit, I can believe he achieved it. I think the mileage could even be improved if the rest of the engine parameters were optimized to have maximum velocity within its operating range on the mower carb.
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