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“Nuclear” Diamond Batteries

Alan F

Senior Member
What have you heard about these?
NDB or Nano Diamond Battery is an innovative energy generator and storage that redefines and revolutionizes the battery as we know it.

Its long-lasting properties and longevity are ensured by converting the radioactive decay energy from nuclear waste into energy.

NDB is tiny, modular, cost-effective, and scalable from chipset to industrial applications.
First I've heard of it, but this part has concerns....

"Its long-lasting properties and longevity are ensured by converting the radioactive decay energy from nuclear waste into energy."
From what I gleaned, they encapsulate the radioactive material in a man-made diamond.
I had smaller versions of that we used to put caps in and throw them up and let them hit the ground and pop the caps. Funny how an image can bring back a memory. That was in the late 60's when I had those toys.
Wow, good thing my parents never got me one of those..... it would have gone the same way my Tonka trucks went and why my parents stopped buying them for me. Mom and Dad told me much later they figured out when I got a new Tonka truck that I was testing the durability and would see how long it took me to destroy them. In the beginning my Tonka trucks would last a few weeks, but by the end, a mere few hours and they were completely destroyed. Like I said, good thing I didn't get one of those sets.
Wow, good thing my parents never got me one of those..... it would have gone the same way my Tonka trucks went and why my parents stopped buying them for me. Mom and Dad told me much later they figured out when I got a new Tonka truck that I was testing the durability and would see how long it took me to destroy them. In the beginning my Tonka trucks would last a few weeks, but by the end, a mere few hours and they were completely destroyed. Like I said, good thing I didn't get one of those sets.
I would tear stuff up too.

I still have my Matchbox car collection, banana seat bike and skateboard and yes, I still get on the skateboard (but not too far).
I had smaller versions of that we used to put caps in and throw them up and let them hit the ground and pop the caps. Funny how an image can bring back a memory. That was in the late 60's when I had those toys.
Me too
Are they still selling those clocks that run on the decaying carcass of a dead fly?
Lots of ways to make tiny voltage, very few to make large enough voltage for genuinely useful task.
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