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Electric Vehicles

Seems like a building in NYC that has a electric bike company in it caught fire from them charging a battery to one of the bikes. In California near the bay area they say at least half the electric charging stations aren't working and predict blackouts because the grids won't be able to take it. Welcome to Bidens World of EV's. Such a "IDIOT" he is.
It is unreal how brainwashed people are! I just do not understand, and not to mention, think about the overhead of manufacturing those cars. Also, have they thought about the long term impact on the enviroment of disposal of those batteries? These people are just plain dumb, I mean really there is no simpler way to put it, DUMB.
It is unreal how brainwashed people are! I just do not understand, and not to mention, think about the overhead of manufacturing those cars. Also, have they thought about the long term impact on the enviroment of disposal of those batteries? These people are just plain dumb, I mean really there is no simpler way to put it, DUMB.

Irresponsible, ignorant, gullible, and naïve are just a few more that come to mind.

The race to end using fossil fuels are in the minds of those who are so short minded that everyone will suffer for their sheer stupidity.

I wonder how long it'll be before the idiots who are pushing this garbage realize it won't work before they move on to the next stupid idea.
Personally, I don't care about any of it...
I might consider buying an electric car if the price becomes reasonable enough that it makes economic sense for us.

My wife makes mostly short trips, and an electric would be very practical for her.
My truck makes a lot of long trips while towing and hauling the family, so it wouldn't make any sense for me... especially since I have a company gas card. :)
Ha nice, can I use that card ;)

The issue is more of the people who are brainwashed into thinking they are saving the world by buying and electric car, but even worse, pushing all that crap on us!
Ha nice, can I use that card ;)

The issue is more of the people who are brainwashed into thinking they are saving the world by buying and electric car, but even worse, pushing all that crap on us!
Interet rates going up, fuel prices going up, production down. There is no way to save or afford an electric car.
Don't get me wrong, EV has it's place (short runs around town), but those who live rural it doesn't pay, and there is no grand infrastructure in place.

I don't like that it's being shoved down our throats. Who says these idiots get to force us because they think it's a good idea?

Vote for centrist conservatives. They have an even keel and won't rock the boat and will typically do what's good for the people.
I'm old enough that I hope I'll never have to buy an electric vehicle. Both my wife and me figure we probably will buy one more car but it isn't going to be electric.
Seeing some people think the electricity is free I wonder if you put a old extension cord coming from you gas door and drag it behind you if they would try and warn you that you must have forgotten to unplug it.
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