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Favorite beer?

In the 70's & 80's I used to drink Blatz, now it's Bud light, Schells deer brand, kinda switched to LaBatts blue recently.
None of that bitter stuff for me.
I’m more worthless than Kevin in judging beer. Haven’t had a beer in about 25 years. Never did acquire a taste for it. I remember the most tolerable being Sam Adams and I didn’t hate Lone Star which probably says something about
my palate.
Corona Premier in the bottle for me, use to drink Bud or Busch but Celiac changed that since Corona must have less than 20 ppm of Gluten it doesn't screw with my stomach, and no headaches from it, funny thing is I can't stand the other Coronas lol
Usually keep Red Stripe, Stella Artois or Molson's Canadian if I can find it (the one with the maple leak on the bottle, not that horrible Golden that the Canucks call "export")
All I ever saw in my 20's was Molson's Golden, and hated it. I went to Toronto to visit a girlfriend's med school buddy in 1987, and he offered me a Molson. I politely declined, and he said I must be used to Golden, and he had Canadian, which I ended up loving. He said no one there drank Golden, they referred to it as "export" and sent it to us because we didn't know any better than to drink it!
Growing up in Pennsylvania, liked Genessee Cream Ale, Rolling Rock when it was just a regional beer, and IC Light.
I love beer, had my first taste at age 11 and thought it was great stuff.
I use to drink Rolling Rock in the late 70's early 80's then switched to what everyone around me was drinking which was Bud & Busch, maybe because Busch Gardens is across the Pond? LOL, when I started drinking beer with my dad at 15 it was Old Milwaukee his favorite
I like Yuengling but save it for "special occasions" and drink Bud Light as a fill in. I like some other domestic beers too but don't like the heavy, bitter specialty brews. Guiness is the worst stuff I've tasted.
I quit drinking all together last year. I just had enough of it. No regrets and had a lot of fun but it was time to move on! I was lazy, overweight, tired, couldn't sleep at night, the list goes on. Honestly it took almost that year to feel "back to normal"! I now sleep most nights without waking up to go to the bathroom. I actually do more shit, read, study, whatever. Oh and my BP was high when I was drinking and it is perfect now.

Anyway sorry, I am just mentioning this because I do not know if people realize the benefits and how long it takes to feel them! I mean I was drinking on and off for almost 20 years so how can I expect even after 1 year to be back to normal hahah!

When I did drink it was expensive IPAs and scotch, so you can imagine how much money I am saving now :)
This was my first beer, out of a washtub full of ice at a family reunion in 1971. Loved, but would not recommend it today, as my dad would have said, it tastes like the horse it came out of was sick.

Yuengling, hands down! It's best in the bottle and always the same, from the oldest working brewery right here in Pennsylvania! Absolutely love it! Even my wife loves it and she is not an alcohol user except for some wine on a rare occasion. Seriously, those who never tried it really need to!
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