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$10 gasoline and $15 diesel ?

After Trumps second impeachment some predicted that "Every president will be impeached now".
Have to remember that impeachment and removal from office are two different things.
Slick Willie was impeached too, but also still served his full term.
We just need 2/3rds in the senate to get rid of those 2 idiots and put the rightful 2020 winner back in the Whitehouse.
Loll. Great impression of Harris. She’s got all of her verbal crutches and idiotic mannerisms down.
As I recall we did not do oil exports prior to fracking and Trump.
Not sure who is buying the exported oil but it may be time to reserve it for our own use again.
And all those nimby/namby states that banned fracking can KMA, drill baby, DRILL.

Oh yea, let us not forget the post right here on this very forum discussing the likelihood of a large TX refinery being for sale but likely to be shuttered.
If the issue is lack of capacity closing another refinery may be the last straw.
the people running this country in no way do whats in the best interest of you or the country. they represent the global world order. they want to break your ass. you are the enemy. the dumbshit liberals talk climate change but thats not what motivates the people turning the screws
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