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What’d you work on today?

In 2020 I was doing a week long ac job for a lady, I don’t ask or care what people do for a living but when I texted her I needed an NOC “Notice of Commencement” notarized she asked me if I could come to her work, I said Sure, where do you work? She said Samantha Anthony’s Hosp, I said I’m going there now to visit my wife, she’s in cancer wing, when I got to her work I told her I was working on getting Kathy into Moffitt cancer Hosp at USF for the best treatment possible, she agreed about getting her from their Hosp to Moffitt, I appreciated she confirmed what I thought, she even got the cancer dr office to release Kathy’s info to Moffitt, I did a lot of extra work that I told her at time of est she’d need to get someone to patch a 2 block high by 3’ hole in the block wall, so I did that and stucco at no charge
I just realized this Damn iPhone changed Saint Anthony to Samantha Anthony 🙄😖
In the past I’ve even added a hat to get me over the Free shipping $ 😁 I just didnt think this time or would’ve added a T shift handle with a button or 2 and a few other things, I did try to work on a plumbing issue today but my plumber friend told my I should buy a different tub/shower faucet so going to buy the parts he rec’d and he’s coming back next Sunday, I didn’t want to cut the wall open more behind the bathroom, and Moen is made in China now 😕
Have you considered the single handle with a remodeling plate ?
I did that at my previous house a few years ago. It wasn't too bad but I had good access to the back of the shower through a closet.

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Have you considered the single handle with a remodeling plate ?
I did that at my previouse house a few years ago. It wasn't too bad but I had good access to the back of the shower through a closet.

That’s Exactly what my plumber friend told me I should buy, I let him explain it to Kathy, she’ll believe a plumber about plumbing 😆 so Im going to look at some today at Home Depot, Lowes, Ferguson plumbing supply, he said Ferguson would be the only place selling the metal 3 hole cover plate but Kathy said she doesn’t care if its chrome plated plastic or metal, he also said I’ll need a Diamond but for my Dremmel to cut the center hole larger, 1940 tile wall, I really hope I don’t need to cut the wood slat & plaster wall on the back side but he said we might have to
I just watched the vid, I think my plumber is going to do most of the work from the access panel in the bedroom, I’ll call him to be sure before cutting the wall tiles, he also said I could get a Diamond hole saw but that would want to wander without a pilot hole and since there’s already holes in the wall a dremel makes more sense
I just watched the vid, I think my plumber is going to do most of the work from the access panel in the bedroom, I’ll call him to be sure before cutting the wall tiles, he also said I could get a Diamond hole saw but that would want to wander without a pilot hole and since there’s already holes in the wall a dremel makes more sense

Get a piece of wood (plywood) and cut a hole the size of the hole saw in the wood and make sure there is no play or slop, and then secure it to the tile by way of tape or hot glue and that becomes your guide for the hole saw without a pilot hole.

BTDT many times.
I just watched the vid, I think my plumber is going to do most of the work from the access panel in the bedroom, I’ll call him to be sure before cutting the wall tiles, he also said I could get a Diamond hole saw but that would want to wander without a pilot hole and since there’s already holes in the wall a dremel makes more sense
I had a tile shower that I installed the big remodeling plate ; going from 3 handles to one.
I could swear I just used a cutoff wheel. They make cheap diamond-type cutoff wheels too that should work good.

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I have this for my 4.5” grinder but it’s old, I’ll get a new one while I also get a Diamond bit for my dremel


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My FIL is home now, my wife is taking care of him for a couple of days. My mother is still in the hospital, can't get her heart rate to stabilize. She will go into nursing care when she returns back to their retirement facility until she can take care of her self, if she ever will be able to again.
Went to a repair call yesterday, while on the phone lady said she and her husband checked the usual things for no ac, checked circuit breakers, over flow safety switch, Tstat batteries (I hate bat operated Tstats) so I went there and opened the air handler cover and found No 230 volt coming in, breaker was tripped, I reset breaker and ran it in E heat to see what amp draw was and if it was causing breaker to trip, then in Cool to see if anything strange was going on (she said it worked fine in Heat but when temps got warm outside they switched to AC and it completely quit working) I couldn’t find any problems, asked if they had any recent power surges and she said didn’t think so, I showed her a fuse inside the air handler and which 50 amp breaker was tripped, closed things up and said Call me if you have any more problems.


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