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The All New Fully Electric Volvo ECR25 Mini Excavator and L25 Wheel Loader

I was curious to see what size excavator. Now I understand. its a mini mini. I could see that for the city. Not on a 39K lb and up excavator. The batteries would have to be HUGE for the motors and to last all day.
I was curious to see what size excavator. Now I understand. its a mini mini. I could see that for the city. Not on a 39K lb and up excavator. The batteries would have to be HUGE for the motors and to last all day.

Yep, that's why I posted it. Still not ready for a full day of construction, but for the average ordinary joe it'd be fine. Most of the ordinary joe's (like myself) buy used equipment as it's cheaper and still has life left to it.

I bought this this year for working around the property. Only paid $5,500 and everything works on it.

I remember you talking about that 3500. Those are extremely useful around a small/hobby farm or small use construction. I would love to have one.
I remember you talking about that 3500. Those are extremely useful around a small/hobby farm or small use construction. I would love to have one.

It's great for working around the property. Digging out stumps, leveling ground and trenching (for those of us still building out).

I did use the trencher last week to cut the roots of a huge pine, and used it like a chain saw. It has carbide teeth on the trenching chain and cut it nicely.
I need to find a good used tractor, finding the right one for the right price is tough.

Took me 2 years to find something that would fit what I was looking for.

I really wanted a mini excavator, but for as much as I'd use it, I couldn't justify the cost, so when I found the ditch witch, it was close enough to what I was looking for and more importantly, the price was right.
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