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I won't be buying anything from Valvoline in the future...

Why would they not buy them? I would if I was Saudi. Once Brandon drives Merica oil company's production down, and those companies lose profits, I'd buy up as man U.S. oil companies or their subsidies I could. Especially before a Republican came back in to office and unbridled production and profits came back. Buy low and sell high. Or don't sell and own most of the oil production AND it's distribution. Especially when Trump stuck it to them by selling ours at a discount to everyone and driving down the global oilcloth when Saudi asked him not to. Good for us though. They are probably preparing for that again.

I'd want to keep from losing out also. But understand what you mean

"Joe did that"
They’re in play to leverage their oil to best effect in face of a predicted declining consumption. They’re going to move in to the supply chain in a bigger way.
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